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Professional Knowledge Bank: articles and expertise

We are proud to be custodians of a growing bank of articles, industry knowledge and insights generated by alumni to support their peers.

Discover how you can contribute to the Professional Knowledge Bank

Featured articles

Wellbeing at work: Avoiding work/life burnout

The battle for work-life balance can be never-ending with technology connecting us 24/7. In this article, Keith Grinsted shares 10 tips for avoiding work-life burnout.

2 men seated and talking

Why would anyone outside professional sport need a coach?

This article by alumnus Richard Gadd explores the types, sources, advantages, and pitfalls of employing a coach in order to help future decision making.

man and woman handshake

Recruitment 101 - Everything a Graduate of The Open University needs to know about it!

Alumnus Josh Smith shares everything a graduate (young, or old, experienced or not) of The Open University needs to know about recruitment.

Articles by theme

Are contracts the enemy of good relationships in outsourcing?: Dr Andrew Humphries and Linda McComie

Collaboration: Turning Aspirations into Reality: Dr Andrew Humphries & Linda McComie

Is Collaboration Value a Mirage: Dr Andrew Humphries and Linda McComie

Triage in the Mountains An experiential: Dave Stewart

How you can contribute

In the competitive world of career development, publishing an article or a series of articles can boost your CV and enhance your reputation with colleagues and peers. Our web repository gives a highly reputed, long term online presence for articles written by OUBS alumni. Benefits include:

  • Demonstrating expertise in your field
  • Generating traffic to your LinkedIn profile or company website
  • Growing your networking opportunities with other OUBS alumni
  • Impacting links to your publication on related sites; the article can also be cited in other writing

If you are interested in contributing an article or would like to find out more about guidance for your writing please contact OUBS-Alumni.