OUBS careers support doesn’t stop when you graduate – in fact, you can access expertise and specialist services throughout your career. We offer:
Please note: Some of the links listed above are for ‘members only’ and require you to log in.
Are you having issues signing in?
Due to some recent IT issues, we understand that some of our alumni have been having trouble signing in to access the OUBS alumni resources. If you have experienced difficulties, please do get in touch with us at OUBS-Alumni@open.ac.uk and we can manually update the system. In the meantime, we are working on getting our IT systems back up to speed as quickly as possible.
For three years after completing your studies, you have access to a wide range of useful online tools and resources on the Careers and Employability website. These include:
No industry has escaped the effects of Covid-19. For most, it has been a stressful time, for some, it has resulted in the closure of businesses and job losses. However, as companies have to rise to the challenge of reinventing around the constraints of the pandemic, there are some sectors that have had a remarkably good year. This report, Hiring trends in a post lockdown Europe, aims to highlight opportunities within the job market, and which sectors are still growing and hiring.
To log in, you need your OU Computer Username (OUCU) or your registered email address, and your password.
Your OUCU is in the format of your initials and digits (ie. abc123).
If you can’t remember them, please contact us providing your full name and date of birth.
If you have forgotten your password, please visit www.open.ac.uk/students and select the link to ‘reset your password’. Alternatively, you can contact the OU IT Computing Helpdesk on +44 (0)1908 653972.
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 11:00 to 12:00
Online with Student Hub Live