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Alumni and careers network

With over 116,000 alumni members in over 130 countries around the globe.

If you have an undergraduate or postgraduate qualification from The Open University Business School, you automatically belong to our well-connected global alumni community. There is no charge to be a member. All you need to sign in and access the full range of services is your OU Computer Username (OUCU) or your Personal Identifier (PI) number, and your password.

Every year we present our highest achieving students and outstanding alumni with achievement awards. Students are recognised for their outstanding achievement in a specific module or qualification. Alumni are recognised for using the learning from their OUBS qualification to make a difference to their organisation, community or society.

Stay connected with fellow alumni online and in person, via our LinkedIn network, Twitter and at events online and throughout Europe and the UK.

Find out more in our Community network pages and in our monthly eNews.


Alumni services

Explore alumni offers and discounts, access free library resources and read past copies of our monthly eNews.

Career services

Discover our monthly career webinars, MBA recruitment guides and CPD credited career development course.

Professional memberships

Take advantage of discounted rates to join professional membership organisations.

Professional knowledge bank

Read articles written by your Alumni peers and contribute your own expertise.

Alumni Council

Discover who our Alumni Council are, how they are involved in our work and why they play a key part in our continued success.

Student and Alumni Awards

Celebrate the achievements of our students and alumni and see details of our annual awards ceremony.

Community network

Learn how you can stay connected with other OUBS alumni online and at events throughout the UK and Europe.

Update your details

Keep up-to-date with our latest news, alumni offers and events by updating us with your current contact details.

Share your story

Tell us where your studies have taken you and help inspire people to become our next Business School students.

The Open University

We're proud to have helped thousands of alumni make the next step in their lives. We hope you have enjoyed your study experiences and we're proud to have you as part of the #OUFamily, for life.

Visit the OU's alumni portal and find out how to stay in touch, find out about our news and events, find help with careers and employability, or learn how you can help support the OU and future students.

Visit the portal

The Open University triple accreditation logos

Do we have your preferred contact information?

Update your details now to make sure you’re the first to hear about alumni news, benefits and special offers.

Frequently asked questions

Do you need to request a new certificate or transcript?

Have you changed your name recently and need to update your records?

Any other queries? For more information, please see our FAQs.

Alumni blog

Read a range of reflections from our alumni community on our Alumni news and blog.

Interested in contributing to our alumni blog? Get in touch with us.