If you are thinking of returning to study, browse the OU Business School prospectus.
If you are an OU MBA graduate and would like to continue your studies, each calendar year you will be eligible for one £250 discount voucher towards the cost of another OUBS module (15 credits minimum).
Email OUBS-Alumni for your personalised voucher.
Get the latest business thinking at a great price! McGraw-Hill is pleased to offer a 30% discount on a featured Book of the Month and a 20% discount on a selection of best-selling titles.
To take advantage of this offer, please email McGraw-Hill.
As an OUBS alum you can take advantage of the lowest prices available on subscriptions to magazines such as The Economist and the Harvard Business Review.
Find out more by visiting Alumni subscriptions.
Please note: The OU does not endorse or promote these products or services.
The OU Library has negotiated access to a growing number of resources. These include full-text journals, ebooks, abstracts and websites recommended by our librarians.
MBA Alumni have access to The Open University’s MBA Alumni library resources page.
You will be required to sign in using your OU computer username (OUCU) and password. If you cannot remember your password, please visit the sign-in page and enter your OUCU to request a new password.
If you do not have an OUCU, or you have forgotten it, please email us with your details, including your name, student identifier (if known), address and date of birth and we'll arrange new details to be created.
Our monthly round-up of news from the Business School is available in our online archive.
OUBS careers support doesn’t stop when you graduate – in fact, you can access expertise and specialist services throughout your career.
See Careers and Professional Development for more details.
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - 11:00 to 12:00
Online with Student Hub Live