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Our student stories

Our business degree is studied by a wide range of people from all backgrounds.

You can get a flavour of the different business students who study with us by viewing their testimonials.

Rebecca Pooley

Rebecca Pooley

Distance learning seemed like the best fit for me at the time, with two young sons aged five and seven, a full-time job and a sick husband who was already undergoing chemotherapy; it was really the only option.

Photo of David Monk

David Monk

The MBA is recognised globally and will open up doors that you never knew existed. My qualification and study experience have helped me to achieve senior management positions in the NHS at a much earlier age than most of my peers. It has also led to a national clinical leadership position with the UK’s leading first aid charity.

Photo of Rachel Blackburn

Rachel Blackburn

Completing my MBA enabled me to change my life. It gave me the competence and confidence to start my own successful business. I use concepts from the MBA every day to help my business and our clients.

Antonio Grasso

Antonio Grasso

The OU’s flexibility helped me achieve my career dreams.

James Frowen

James Frowen

Final year MBA student James, who already has a degree with The Open University Business School, explains how he has fitted studying into his busy life to transform his career.

Heather Henry

Heather Henry

I’m very humbled to receive this award (Sue Pembrey Award) and I want to thank the family and friends of Sue and the Foundation of Nursing Services for giving me this opportunity to highlight my work

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