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People and Organisations

PhD students in the Department for People and Organisations

Experiences of Mental Health Service Users: From Self-management and Self-governance to User-led Services

PhD research by Katy Alexander

The production of algorithmic management technologies: A workers' inquiry

PhD research by Struan Barr

Adaptive product development project planning to improve resilience

PhD research by Fatemeh Barzegar

Empowering Black Leadership: A Study Of Power And Agency In Developing Black Community Leadership In Liverpool

PhD research by Sonia Bassey

Community and Urban Resistance Leadership

PhD research by George Briley

Becoming-astronaut: the enactment of gender identities in the European Space Agency

PhD research by Alessandra Fenu

Working through the Pandemic: The Importance of Place

PhD research by Samantha Hawtin

Absorptive capacity, knowing and space

PhD research by Dominique Howard

The Concept of Creativity within Multicultural Virtual Teams Working Across Changing Trading Borders

PhD research by Paul Hemphill

Designing a Supply Chain Performance Measurement System that Incorporates Sustainability and Resilience to Disruption

PhD research by Ankith Kamalakshi-Ramesh

How Did We Get Here ~V The Organisation Of Anthropocentrism

PhD research by Melda Ece Kelemcisoy

An Ethnographic Study of the Embodiment of Ethical Leadership in the Context of a UK National Children’s Charity

PhD research by Kay Logan

Addressing Environmental Justice and Sustainability: the Dilemmas of HR Professionals and Line Managers in an Organisational Context

PhD research by Victoria Nightingale

How does the convergence of age and gender stereotypes play out for women at work in the fashion industry during menopause transition?

PhD research by Theresa Parker

Employment Experiences of People With Fibromyalgia

PhD research by Melanie Philpott

Improve Project Communication During a Project Lifecycle

PhD research by Tim Stevenson

Exploring the Impact of Childcare Provision on the Opportunities for Women Garment Workers and their Families in Bangladesh

PhD research by Gulfam Tasnim