Victoria Nightingale is affiliated with the Department of People and Organisations.
You can email Victoria Nightingale directly but for media enquiries, please contact a member of The Open University's Media Relations team.
Victoria joins FBL as a PhD student. Victoria’s background is in HR and education, most recently working as Head of Curriculum and Quality for HR programmes, and as an HR and L&D L7 Tutor in a private training provider. Victoria has a Chartered MCIPD status, gained through her time working as an HR Manager, and has a teaching qualification and MSET accreditation from the Society of Education and Training. Victoria completed an MSc in HRM at the University of Portsmouth and her dissertation focused on HR strategy and the use of technology, investigated within a manufacturing firm. Victoria’s interest in sustainability started at this time when the manufacturing firm her dissertation was based on, was impacted by changing government legislation on single use plastics within food and drinks packaging. Victoria is interested in opportunities to make HR and Employee Relations activities as sustainable and ethical as possible.
Addressing Environmental Justice and Sustainability: the Dilemmas of HR Professionals and Line Managers in an Organisational Context
The research will investigate employee voice, and the skills, competencies and factors within the supply chain which make HR a sustainable source of competitive advantage on an individual and collective level.