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Resetting the workplace: what's the role for location-based workspaces now?

In the early 20th century the office has for many employees been the place where ‘work is done’. But with organisations across the world committing to more flexible working, what role should the office, plant or other work location now play? 

22nd October 2021

What’s wrong with talking about the menopause?

An OU academic is highlighting the difficulties working women encounter on World Menopause Day since many must live with debilitating symptoms impacting their performance at work.

18th October 2021
An innovative hydrogen-powered vehicle from Riversimple.

Eco-innovation and green start-ups – an evidence review

Richard Blundel, Professor of Enterprise and Organisation, and Dr Sam Hampton, a colleague from the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, are the co-authors of a new report, ‘Eco-innovation and Green Start-ups: An Evidence Review’.

12th October 2021

How to become a more mindful ethical practitioner

Dr Nela Smolović-Jones discusses issues organisations need to consider today, from dealing with ‘wicked problems’ to gendered corruption, and offers her top tips for leaders to enable them to be mindful

6th October 2021
Make or Break podcast series image

It’s ‘Make or Break’ in new business leadership podcast

In life, facing tough decisions is always a possibility but in business, it’s only a matter of time. Anyone interested in business leadership can listen to a 12-episode podcast series, ‘Make or Break’.

29th September 2021

How to develop a cybersecurity strategy for your business

A new report has expert insight from industry-leading cybersecurity and risk practitioners on the cyber threat faced by today’s organisations. 

27th September 2021

Social care reform: here’s why this tax rise isn’t just unfair on young people

In announcing his plan for funding social care reform in England and the NHS COVID recovery, prime minister Boris Johnson has to honour a promise he made two years ago on the steps of Downing Street.

13th September 2021

It’s time to talk about menopause in the workplace

Professor Jo Brewis discusses her work to remove workplace taboos around menopause and encourage employers to recognise and support people experiencing this normal but sometimes challenging transition.

13th September 2021

Giving SMEs the tools they need to grow greener

How can governments, and other agencies, ensure that such a large and diverse population of organisations can become more sustainable? Professor Richard Blundel and his colleagues have drawn on cross-disciplinary research insights to create new tools and techniques that will enable SMEs to ‘grow greener’.

10th September 2021
A photo of a woman crouched down and covering her face on the floor

Domestic homicides remain stable during lockdown but still an enduring problem says new report commissioned by police

Domestic homicides remain an ‘entrenched and enduring problem’ despite figures remaining relatively stable during lockdown, a new report drawing on research by an OU academic and commissioned by police has found.

26th August 2021

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