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Self-employment: what is it, why do it and how has the pandemic affected it?

Professor Elizabeth Daniel discusses the lasting legacy of the pandemic on self-employment and homeworking, the ‘passionpreneur’ and describes how mental load is affecting self-employed women.

28th January 2022
image of gift giving

Academic reveals the psychology of spending this Christmas

Mark Fenton-O’Creevy is Professor of Organisational Behaviour and he advises that if you want to keep yourself in check this Christmas, you need to know what your triggers are and learn how to avoid them.

9th December 2021
Elderly man holding juggling ball

Social care cap: how the new system will work and why it’s unfair – an expert explains

Why means-tested support will impact those who are less well-off, as they will end up losing more of their assets to pay for their care.

1st December 2021

Politicians join cross-party discussion on how to tackle gender-based violence

Key politicians including Labour’s Shadow Minister for Domestic Violence and Safeguarding, Jess Phillips MP, will join a cross-party panel at a free webinar to discuss what more should be done to prevent gender-based violence.

26th November 2021
Police officer in street

Over half a million pounds to research police response to rape

OU research that will transform how rape investigations are conducted has just been awarded £570,000 by The Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime, who are hosting this National Police Chiefs Council led and Home Office funded programme.

25th November 2021

Where basic income fits in the future of work - and why it matters to business

Dr Charles Barthold explains what a basic income is, why the circumstances are right to test it now and why business should be involved in the debate

8th November 2021
Image of the Bluestone team

Operation Soteria Bluestone: Year 2 - Meet the Team

The research is split into six workstreams all looking at different aspects of the investigative process: suspect focused investigations, challenging and disrupting repeat offenders, victim engagement, learning and development and wellbeing, review of data, and performance and digital forensics. 

8th November 2021
An innovative hydrogen-powered vehicle from Riversimple.

Eco-innovation and green start-ups – an evidence review

Richard Blundel, Professor of Enterprise and Organisation, and Dr Sam Hampton, a colleague from the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, are the co-authors of a new report, ‘Eco-innovation and Green Start-ups: An Evidence Review’.

12th October 2021
Photo of Maria Chenoweth next to text reading "The Great Work Reset. Sustainable leadership: people, planet, profit"

Sustainable Leadership: How to put people at the heart of the green economy

How do you build a business that is positive for people, the planet, society and the economy? Maria Chenoweth, OU MBA alumna and Chief Executive of second-hand clothing charity TRAID, offers her top tips.

30th July 2021

Well done to aspiring academic

Congratulations to Open University Business School PhD graduate Nicola Croxton who passed her PhD viva on 13 October 2020.

12th July 2021