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Elite Business Schools join forces to strengthen leadership development for the voluntary sector

The Open University Business School and Cass Business School, University of London, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to work collaboratively to further expand the provision of online leadership development for the voluntary sector.

25th October 2016

Pensioners could lose due to government's secondary annuity proposals

The government aims to extend the new pension freedoms to those who have previously bought an annuity by allowing pensioners to sell their annuities from April 2017. However an independent study published by The Open University Business School, suggests there are fundamental barriers to effective competition for secondary annuities that are likely to prevent pensioners getting a fair deal, and that current government proposals appear insufficient to address this.

1st June 2016

Personal financial advice from the experts

A forum held by True Potential PUFin to launch its latest free online course asked financial luminaries on the forum panel “What one piece of personal finance advice would you give?”

25th April 2016

OUBS launches Centre of excellence for Voluntary Sector Leadership

The Open University Business School has announced the launch of its first free online course as part of the newly established Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership.

1st March 2016

OU research could slash energy bills in Milton Keynes

The OU is developing the UK’s first community based website that will allow people in Milton Keynes to have greater control of their energy needs. Through the use of interactive data analytics and information from local energy suppliers, individuals or groups can more effectively use the resources available.

7th January 2016

Two-thirds of UK employees have never received any financial education

64% of UK employees have never received any personal finance education, according to research commissioned on behalf of the OUBS and Share Radio.

9th December 2015

How much of the new state pension will you get?

The True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance, has found that many consumers are confused by their likely pension entitlements.

25th November 2015

The OU wins grant to create National Centre for Policing Research & Professional Development

The OU has been awarded £1.36m of funding over 19 months from the Police Knowledge Fund, a joint initiative between The College of Policing, HEFCE and the Home Office.

5th August 2015

Using values to motivate your staff

The Breakfast Briefing took place on 6 May 2015 and saw Dr Sarah Williams, OU associate lecturer and principal associate of the Sustainable Business Company explore the role of values in making sense of complex ideas.

6th May 2015
Image of REF 2014 logo

The OU combines open access with research excellence

The Open University’s results in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) demonstrate world leading research excellence in many of its subjects.

18th December 2014

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