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MBA teaching approach

Centred on your own experience, our teaching model is a highly effective professional development method. Our teaching approach uses practical examples and assignments that link management theory to your own work experience, so that you can put your new learning and skills into practice right from the start.

Learning materials

The OU prides itself as being a global leader in the delivery of world class online teaching. Our learning materials use evidence based approaches in using the most up-to-date teaching practices to inspire and engage, and you can access them easily when and where you like. They include:

  • an interactive virtual learning environment with activities and case studies – showcasing a wide range of perspectives and global contexts
  • video and audio downloads
  • learning materials in a range of downloadable formats including print.

Study support

Highly recommended

96% of our MBA graduates say that they would highly recommend us.

Before you start your Global Online OU MBA, we will guide you through a comprehensive online induction so that you’re ready for study when your first course begins. The induction will cover all the essentials such as; critical thinking and study skills, managing your time, an overview of the programme and using the virtual learning platform.

You will join a tutor group of approximately 16 fellow students and engage with one another either in the online tutorial events or in the face-to-face residential schools. You’ll also have tutor support throughout your studies from a practising senior business professional, who will provide feedback on your written work, guide you in your learning and take online tutorials.

Our Student Support Teams supplement the support offered by your tutor by answering any administrative queries and they also offer academic pastoral support. This can include for example; providing assistance in choosing the next course, give guidance on how to manage your time effectively and sharing relevant resources and helpful advice that can help with your study

Short residential schools are a key element of the Global Online OU MBA programme. You’ll meet with other students from around the world, work together on live case studies and attend workshops designed to improve your skills in areas such as negotiation, presentation and consulting. Most courses also have a number of one day face-to-face workshops. Online equivalents for the residential schools or workshops are also available.

You will also connect with your peers through online discussion forums and many students set up informal study groups on various social media platforms including WhatsApp groups.

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