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Robots will revolutionise work, but can they also empower humans?

Many experts are predicting that we are rapidly headed toward a “fourth industrial revolution” where automation, robotics and computing take centre stage. Obviously, this shift could be revolutionary. However, the perhaps more important question is if it will also be empowering? 

24th August 2017

Empowerment and the future of work

Find out about the Research into Employment, Empowerment and Futures group (REEF) with these two introductory videos.

23rd August 2017

Martin Lewis helps young people figure out their financial future

TV’s Money Saving Expert, Martin Lewis OBE engaged an audience of Denbigh School Sixth Formers earlier this month, whilst filming with for a new Open University Business School online free personal finance course.

29th June 2017
Student and Alumni Award winners 2016-2017

The Open University Business School Awards - Student and Alumni Winners

The Open University Business School’s annual Student and Alumni Awards, held on 21 June 2017, celebrated its highest achieving students and the alumni who have made an outstanding contribution to an organisation or society. 

23rd June 2017

L&D professionals have an important contribution

Learning and development professionals have an important contribution to make in this new and difficult climate, says Eileen Arney.

23rd June 2017
A PM under pressure. EPA/Simon Dawson

Is the game up for Theresa May? What leadership theory tells us about her chances of survival

While we wait to find out what it’s really like inside May’s government, pressure is mounting on her. Is she up to the job of leader?

21st June 2017

Resources for SMEs: Leadership

Dr Peter Bloom, Senior Lecturer in Organisational Studies at The Open University Business School shares insights on leadership that will help SMEs grow, in this series of three short videos.

7th June 2017
Image of question marks

But where are the boundaries? The challenge of leading in the modern age

Life is full of boundaries. The walls of a house tell us where we live, the lines on the ground tell us where we should play our sport, the borders of a country tell us where we are and at times where we shouldn’t be. But does the same apply when we talk about innovation?

5th June 2017
Image of Professor Siv Vangen

The voluntary sector can learn from the theory of collaborative advantage

It pays to understand why some partnerships don't work, writes Professor Siv Vangen, the Director of the Centre for Voluntary Sector Leadership.

5th June 2017
Social care needs taking care of.

How to settle social care funding once and for all

Branding it a “dementia tax” was inspired – opponents of the Conservative Party’s election manifesto railed against its fundamentally unfair proposals for dealing with the social care costs of increasing numbers of old people with dementia.

31st May 2017

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