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An innovative hydrogen-powered vehicle from Riversimple.

Eco-innovation and green start-ups – an evidence review

Richard Blundel, Professor of Enterprise and Organisation, and Dr Sam Hampton, a colleague from the Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, are the co-authors of a new report, ‘Eco-innovation and Green Start-ups: An Evidence Review’.

12th October 2021

New whitepaper: Management readiness in 2021: Leaving no stone unturned

The pandemic has accelerated a shift from task-focused management towards more human qualities, such as ensuring employee wellbeing and engagement. But how can we equip the next generation of managers to deal with the changing demands they face? And where can formal management training help?

28th July 2021
Enterprise Research Centre logo

SMEs and Net Zero – a state-of-the-art (SOTA) review

OUBS’ Richard Blundel, Professor of Enterprise and Organisation, and Dr Sam Hampton, a colleague from the University of Oxford, have just co-authored ‘SMEs and Net Zero’.

6th July 2021
Front cover of HRD magazine

HRD Roundtable Debate - Diversity in Apprenticeships

The HRDIRECTOR roundtable debate explored the challenges and opportunities in the drive to achieve a truly diverse workforce. 

29th March 2021

Baseline Survey Report published: Implementing the Transformation of Police Training, Learning and Development

The ‘Implementing the Transformation of Police Training, Learning and Development’ Project released their Baseline Survey Report this week. The project is led by the London Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC), working in collaboration with The Open University’s Centre for Policing Research and Learning.

23rd August 2018

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