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Research activity
Centre for Social and Sustainable Enterprise
Blundel, Richard
. (2019).
Reflecting on the relationship between craft and history: perspectives, resources and contemporary implications
. In: Emma Bell, Gianluigi Mangia, Scott Taylor and Maria Laura Toraldo (eds.)
The Organization of Craft Work: Identities, Meanings and Materiality
. New York, NY / Abingdon: Routledge (pp. 255-270).
Blundel, Richard
; Smith, David; Ackrill, Robert and
Schaefer, Anja
Making ‘greener’ connections: An introduction to the Special Issue.
The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation
, 19(1) pp. 3–8.
Blundel, Richard
; Lockett, Nigel and Wang, Catherine (2017).
Exploring Entrepreneurship (2nd edition).
London: SAGE.
Calo, Francesca
; Roy, Michael; Donaldson, Cam; Teasdale, Simon and Baglioni, Simone (2019).
Exploring the contribution of social enterprise to health and social care: A realist evaluation
Social Science and Medicine
, 222 pp. 154–161.
Collins, Hilary
and Saliba, Cosette (2020).
Connecting people to purpose builds a sustainable business model at Bark House
Global Business and Organizational Excellence
, 39(3) pp. 29–37
Collins, Hilary
and Saliba, Cosette (2019).
Our Common Purpose: Understanding the Relationship Between SMEs’ and their Stakeholders within Sustainability-Oriented Innovation.
The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice
, 15(2) pp. 15–38
Dai, Wenjin
; Gosling, Jonathan and Pye, Annie (2019).
The Inclusiveness and Emptiness of Gong Qi: A Non-Anglophone Perspective on Ethics from a Sino-Japanese Corporation
Journal of Business Ethics
(Early Access). DOI:
Decker-Lange, C
., Lange, K., Dhaliwal, S., and Walmsley, A. (2020).
Exploring entrepreneurship education effectiveness at British universities – an application of the World Café method
. Accepted for publication in Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy, DOI: 10.1177/2515127420935391.
Decker, Carolin
Stakeholders' Impact on Turnaround Performance: The Case of German Savings Banks.
Journal of Small Business Management
, 56(4) pp. 534–554.
Decker, Carolin
and Günther, Christina (2017).
The impact of family ownership on innovation: evidence from the German machine tool industry.
Small Business Economics
, 48(1) pp. 199–212.
Georgakoudis, E. D. and
Tipi, N.S
, (2020).
An investigation into the issue of overpackaging - examining the case of paper packaging
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering
(Early access).
Georgakoudis, E. D.,
Tipi, N.S
. and Bamford, C. G. (2018).
Packaging redesign – benefits for the environment and the community
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering
, 11(5) pp. 307–320.
Kimbu, Albert Nsom and
Ngoasong, Michael Zisuh
Women as Vectors of Social Entrepreneurship
Annals of Tourism Research
, 60 pp. 63–79.
Koomen, Philip and
Blundel, Richard K.
Developing craft practice within and between workshops: an inter-generational comparative study
. Making Futures, 5.
Zhang, Carol X.; Kimbu, Albert N.; Lin, Pearl and
Ngoasong, Michael
Guanxi influences on women intrapreneurship
Tourism Management
, 81, article no. 104137.
Ngoasong, Michael Zisuh
and Kimbu, Albert Nsom (2019).
Why Hurry? The Slow Process of High Growth in Women-Owned Businesses in a Resource-Scarce Context.
Journal of Small Business Management
, 57(1) pp. 40–58.
Sánchez Preciado, Deycy Janeth;
Claes, Björn
and Theodorakopoulos, Nicholas (2016).
Transferring intermediate technologies to rural enterprises in developing economies: a conceptual framework.
Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation
, 34(2) pp. 153–170.
Schaefer, Anja
; Williams, Sarah and
Blundel, Richard
Individual Values and SME Environmental Engagement.
Business & Society,
59 pp. 642-675.
Vanderhoven, Ellen, Steiner, Artur, Teasdale, Simon and
Calo, Francesca
Can public venture capital support sustainability in the social economy? Evidence from a social innovation fund
Journal of Business Venturing Insights
, 13, p.e00166.
Wahga, Aqueel
Blundel, Richard
Schaefer, Anja
Understanding the Drivers of Sustainable Entrepreneurial Practices in Pakistan’s Leather Industry: A Multi-Level Approach.
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research
, 24(2) pp. 382–407.
Wahga, Aqueel
Blundel, Richard
Schaefer, Anja
Human Capital and Environmental Engagement of SMEs in Pakistan: A Comparative Analysis of the Leather Industry
. In: Spence, Laura J.; Frynas, Jedrzej G.; Muthuri, Judy and Navare, Jyoti eds.
Research Handbook on Small Business Social Responsibility: Global Perspectives.
Edward Elgar Research Handbooks. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 401–412.
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