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Thought Leadership

Learn from the insights of a trusted source

Our faculty across the university are informed opinion leaders and often the go-to people in their field of expertise.

Here, they share their many insights and opinions gleaned from years of research and/or experience in their respective fields in order to further debate, inspire new ideas and help turn these into reality with a view to finding a way forward in meeting the many and diverse challenges of an increasingly uncertain and changing geopolitical and socioeconomic landscape.

Cartoon people with blue or yellow tshirts making EU flag

EU court case sees British citizen seek post-Brexit rights in France

A UK citizen who has been living in France for 36 years has brought a case to the Court of Justice of the European Union that could have profound implications for British people living in European countries after Brexit. The woman is hoping to retain some citizenship rights after she ceases to be a European citizen.

9th December 2020
Person walking down a london tube escalator wearing mask

The Open University Business School and Law School have launched a showcase for their COVID-19 research and reflections

The current pandemic has brought both threats and opportunities, overturning economic and social norms but also pointing towards new ways of doing things. In the OU’s Business and Law Schools, our response has been: what can we learn?

17th July 2020
Simon Tindall presenting

The Future of Workers – implementing learning and development solutions

The OU had a virtual stand at the CIPD’s Festival of Work, a two-day event looking at what is happening in the L&D and HR space, which took place virtually this year.

9th July 2020
learning at work week blue logo

Learning at Work Week – it’s more important than you know

Whatever the “new normal” turns out to be post-Covid19, the ability to prepare for and adapt to change with resilience are important survival skills for the 21st Century and learning is integral to that. Liz Moody, Head of Executive Education and OUBS Academic, discusses Learning at Work Week.

18th May 2020

Curiosity and Unlearning - Overcoming the inertia to learn

If there was anything logical about human behaviour we would all see the current strange times as the ideal the opportunity to learn about new things, pursue new hobbies or interests - albeit from the confines from our homes. 

14th April 2020

What do we really need in a crisis? Caring Leadership

In times of crisis, we demand different things from our leaders, organisations and institutions. Crisis situations stir up feelings of helplessness, and reawaken a primal need for nurturing, comfort, strength and guidance. When the world feels unmanageable, we look to leaders in all walks of life to steer us through the crisis and give us explanations for otherwise inexplicable events.

7th April 2020

Anna goes global over breakfast to make her case

The latest Business Network Breakfast Briefing saw Dr Anna John use examples from all over the world as she explored three approaches to managing political risks to foreign investments.

17th April 2019
Glasses in front of computer screen

Big data, CSR and sustainability

Big data analytics seems entirely absent in research on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. Yet the potential of big data to advance environmental and social concerns is enormous.

4th March 2019

Dyson's decision to relocate their headquarters to Singapore

Article written by Dr Raquel García-García, The Open University Business School and Professor Jędrzej George Frynas, The Open University Business School.

25th January 2019
Image of change ahead sign from Shutterstock

Why it’s time to rip up the political playbook and imagine a truly new global order

What is needed instead are new revolutionary fantasies of shared global progress.

11th January 2019
The Open University triple accreditation logos

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