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Business and Law in the time of COVID-19

The current pandemic has brought both threats and opportunities, overturning economic and social norms but also pointing towards new ways of doing things. In the OU’s Business and Law Schools, our response has been: what can we learn?

This series of reflections on the pandemic highlights how management and legal insights from research and scholarship can help us consider and interpret the current context. How can business and the institutions that support it respond to the challenges, adapt and hopefully look forward to a post-pandemic world?

Image of a woman working at a laptop looking up thoughtfully

“We do good things, don’t we?”: considerations about social enterprises’ evaluation approaches

This blog is written by Dr Francesca Calo, Lecturer in Management at The Open University Business School (OUBS). This blog was originally published on 2 February 2021 and was written for the OUBS Department of Public Leadership and Social Enterprise (PuLSE) blog.

10th February 2021
The Great Work Reset

The Great Work Reset

Circumstances are right for meaningful and fundamental change in the world of work. But what will that change look like – and what role will HR play in it? The People Space and The Open University Business School are partnering throughout 2021 to highlight the issues and suggest how HR can help work to become radically better. Siân Harrington and Katie Jacobs report

5th February 2021

Ambition in a Time of Crisis

A blog post by Dr Zoe Lawson MBA alumna and a member of the OU Business School’s Alumni Council is ambition and is it good or bad?

7th January 2021

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine: openness and collaboration to tackle the world’s problems

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine received regulatory approval for emergency use from the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) on 3 December. This came only months after a team of researchers led by Professor Zhang Yongzhen in Wuhan in early January made the genome sequence of Covid-19 publicly available.

22nd December 2020
Photo of Dr Hilary Collins

Hilary connects with a global audience

Following the recent publication of her blog by Wonkhe Dr Hilary Collins, Senior Lecturer in Corporate Programmes with OUBS Executive Education, has been interviewed on ‘The experience of teaching during a pandemic’ as part of the Expert Talks for Cumulus Connects.

22nd December 2020
Photo of Dr Zoe Lawson

BLOG: Building Resilience in Pandemic Times

Social entrepreneur, MBA alumna and member of the OU Business School’s Alumni Council Dr Zoe Lawson discusses how to build resilience during the pandemic. 

22nd December 2020
Lockdown blog image

What happened to law clinics in lockdown?

The disruption caused by Covid-19 has had far reaching impacts and required all of us to adapt to life’s challenges under lockdown. University law clinics are no exception and law academics and clinic supervisors have had to act fast and think creatively to keep their clinical programmes running.

22nd December 2020
Justice and books

How Covid-19 and technology could transform the dispute resolution system

The current pandemic has forced a lot of people to change patterns of behaviour and how normal activities are approached and carried out. In normal circumstances, change in the legal system is often cumbersome and slow, often reactive, rather than progressive in nature.

14th December 2020

The UK’s COVID-19 PPE saga and lessons for future emergency procurements

Public procurement is a highly regulated government activity, governed by laws or circulars within a state. In the UK, the procurement of goods, works and services is regulated by The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (PCR), with similar provision for utilities, concessions and defence procurement. 

14th December 2020
Image of Dr Jacqueline Baxter

OUBS leads ground-breaking £300k project on online learning and strategic planning through, and post, lockdown in English secondary schools

A team led by Dr Jacqueline Baxter of The Open University Business School has been awarded nearly £300,000 to investigate online learning and strategic planning through, and post, lockdown in English secondary schools.

11th December 2020

PhD Studentships

The Open University Business and Law Schools also invite applications for a number of full-time funded PhD studentships beginning 1 February 2021 on ‘Responding to COVID-19 and the Climate Emergency’.