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Katy Alexander

Research student

Katy Alexander is affiliated with The Open University Faculty of Business and Law, Department for People and Organisations. You can email Katy Alexander directly, but for media enquiries, please contact a member of The Open University's Media Relations team.


I’m a Research Student here at the OU having been awarded a fully funded studentship with the Grand Union Doctoral Training Programme. My research is an ethnographical study exploring experiences of mental health service users. I hold a Dip HE and BA Hons in Person Centred Counselling and Human Relations from Bradford College and have been a practicing counsellor and psychotherapist since 2009. In 2019 I achieved an MA with Distinction in Trauma Studies from the University of Nottingham. I co-chair the National Association for Trauma Specialists UK at the University of Nottingham and I’m a board member of LimeCulture, the lead training provider for Independent Sexual Violence Advisers, chaired by Sir Keir Starmer MP QC.

I’m a contributing writer in;

Responding Badly: Church and Institutional Cover-up of Child Sex Abuse Allegations published by David Greenwood in 2018.

Counselling, Class and Politics: Undeclared Influences in Therapy, by Anne Kearney, republished 2018 in a new edition by PCCS Books.

#MeToo: Counsellors and Psychotherapists Speak About Sexual Violence and Abuse, edited by Deborah Lee and Emma Palmers, publishing on 14th May 2020 by PCCS Books.

Current research

Experiences of Mental Health Service Users: From Self-management and Self-governance to User-led Services
