Katy Alexander is affiliated with The Open University Faculty of Business and Law, Department for People and Organisations. You can email Katy Alexander directly, but for media enquiries, please contact a member of The Open University's Media Relations team.
I’m a Research Student here at the OU having been awarded a fully funded studentship with the Grand Union Doctoral Training Programme. My research is an ethnographical study exploring experiences of mental health service users. I hold a Dip HE and BA Hons in Person Centred Counselling and Human Relations from Bradford College and have been a practicing counsellor and psychotherapist since 2009. In 2019 I achieved an MA with Distinction in Trauma Studies from the University of Nottingham. I co-chair the National Association for Trauma Specialists UK at the University of Nottingham and I’m a board member of LimeCulture, the lead training provider for Independent Sexual Violence Advisers, chaired by Sir Keir Starmer MP QC.
I’m a contributing writer in;
Responding Badly: Church and Institutional Cover-up of Child Sex Abuse Allegations published by David Greenwood in 2018.
Counselling, Class and Politics: Undeclared Influences in Therapy, by Anne Kearney, republished 2018 in a new edition by PCCS Books.
#MeToo: Counsellors and Psychotherapists Speak About Sexual Violence and Abuse, edited by Deborah Lee and Emma Palmers, publishing on 14th May 2020 by PCCS Books.