During this Breakfast Briefing on 14 March 2017, Dr Alex Wright, Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management at The Open University Business School, explained his research project idea that would examine how critical thinking is understood among employers and practitioners.
The rise of the global natives raises a profound challenge to progressives. How to build a mass movement and consciousness that is international, anti-capitalist and post-colonial? Where is the direct response to a right wing global movement whose populism is championing nationalism, corporate power and ethnic division?
The Open University Business School held an exclusive event in London to celebrate the launch of Losing Political Office by Dame Jane Roberts, Research Fellow at The Open University, as part of our Public Leadership Perspectives series.
This session considered tools for strategic decision-making in uncertain times which draw on an understanding of human strengths in adaptive reasoning and the decision-traps we are prone to; drawing on cases such as Nokia and the design of the Thames barrier.
The Open University Business School (OUBS) has been shortlisted for the Association of MBAs (AMBA) Innovation Award 2016, for a second consecutive year. The AMBA Awards celebrate MBAs at the forefront of leadership excellence.
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