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Healthcare workers getting ready for their shift in a hospital - photo by Francisco Àvia Hospital Clínic

Healthcare Innovation: Lessons from COVID-19

It is anticipated that post-COVID health service provision and organisation will look very different. Professors Richard Holti and John Storey highlight how the design and delivery of the 'new normal' will require 'imaginative and skilful innovation work by actors at many levels'

17th August 2020
photo of hilary collins

Behind the Digital Curtain: a cross-cultural study of academic identities, liminalities and labour market adaptations for the ‘Uber-isation’ of HE

In this post blog, Dr Hilary Collins, Senior Lecturer discusses ‘Behind the Digital Curtain’, a paper co-authored with OU colleague Dr Hayley Glover and former colleague Fran Myers.

14th August 2020
Photo credit: German Naval Yards by Can Pac Swire, shared with a CC BY-NC 2.0 license.

Reading during lockdown: Insights from Global Ethnography

'In times of a global pandemic, we are constrained to live in confined local spaces instead of travelling across the globe. But what does ‘global’ mean?' Carolin Decker-Lange, a Senior Lecturer in Management in The Open University Business School explores this question

12th August 2020
A photograph of Zoe smiling into the camera

MBA Skills for Hacking COVID-19

Social entrepreneur Dr Zoe Lawson, an MBA alumna and member of The Open University Business School Alumni Council, describes how her OU study experiences are helping with an ongoing project in her adopted Switzerland

11th August 2020
Professor Edoardo Ongaro

Collaboration on dealing with a future crisis

Edoardo Ongaro, Professor of Public Management in the OU Business School has been working closely with fellow editors of the scientific journal Public Policy and Administration on a range of projects in response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic

10th August 2020
Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash - a clock on a pink and blue background

Time is of the essence. Why don’t we spend more time teaching it?

As the pandemic continues to force students online, Dr Terry O'Sullivan, Senior Lecturer in Management in the OU Business School, reminds us of the importance of what he calls 'the key barrier to learning online', time and how we manage it

6th August 2020
Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash - female lawyer on a laptop

Taking legal outreach online

As traditional face-to-face universities rethink how to provide community based legal support, Hugh McFaul, Director of The Open Justice Centre, highlights how the OU is helping to deliver online pro bono support, and reflects on the opportunities and challenges this creates

3rd August 2020
The Statue of Justice - lady justice or Iustitia / Justitia the Roman goddess of Justice

COVID-19, gender, and criminal justice in England and Wales

Dr Caroline Derry, Senior Lecturer in Law, raises awareness of the inequitable impact COVID-19 is having on women. This blog particularly highlights the experiences of victims of sexual offenses crimes, with many hearings now delayed until 2022

31st July 2020
Inequality between people concept - one person on a high block looking down on someone on a much lower one

Consumer Debt, Financial Difficulties & Poverty during COVID-19

'Where can we find shards of light and start to rebuild our economy and prosperity? How can we innovate in new ways?'. These are just two of the questions explored in this blog written by Dr Clare Chambers-Jones, Senior Law Lecturer in the OU Law School

29th July 2020
Photo of a young woman crying with her head resting on her hand

Five reasons why coercive control has increased during COVID-19

Keren Lloyd Bright, Senior Lecturer in Law and Louise Taylor, Lecturer in Law, highlight five reasons why the incidence and severity of coercive control has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic. Both Keren and Louise are based in the OU Law School

29th July 2020

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