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  3. ‘We need to talk about Money’: Breaking down personal finance taboos through online courses

‘We need to talk about Money’: Breaking down personal finance taboos through online courses

As populations age and governments look to reduce public spending, people are expected to take on increasing responsibility for managing their finances. But the evidence shows that a large proportion of the population are poorly equipped to shoulder these responsibilities (particularly when it comes to planning for the future) and talking about money matters remains a big taboo.

True Potential PUFin logoDuring this Breakfast Briefing on 1 March 2016, Professor Sharon Collard, Professor of Personal Finance Capability at OUBS looked at the work being carried out by OUBS’ dedicated research centre, the True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance (True Potential PUFin), to help improve the UK’s personal finance capability through the development of online personal finance courses for the general public. You will find out what’s in the courses, who uses them and what effect they have. Professor Collard also considers the links between financial health and employment, and whether employers can play a bigger role in supporting financial capability in the workplace.

View the presentation slides from Professor Sharon Collard on ‘We need to talk about Money’: Breaking down personal finance taboos through online courses’.

For more information on True Potential PUFin and the free courses on offer, please visit the PUFin website.

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