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MK Business Network

At The Open University Business School we are aiming to widen our contribution to and involvement with the business community through the development of a local Business Network in Milton Keynes and the surrounding areas.

The Network seeks to create a collaborative group of individuals from the commercial sector and the Business School, who will explore together ways to share expertise, collaborate on research funding and consultancy projects, and identify opportunities for professional education and training.

The benefits for the business community are access to leading research, collaboration and support for government funding initiatives. For information on our next Business Network Breakfast Briefing, please see our event listings.

It's not just 'women's issues': the cost of women's reproductive health in the workplace

In this Business Network Breakfast Briefing, OUBS PhD student Victoria Williams discussed invisible reproductive health conditions, such as endometriosis, and life-changing stages like menopause, and why industries should support employees with these conditions.

12th November 2019

Work and Meaning

In this briefing, OUBS Academic Liz Moody explored where the meaning of work comes from and why it might be important. We will also consider what it is that leaders do (and sometimes don’t) that has an impact on how people think and feel about work.

16th July 2019

Anna goes global over breakfast to make her case

The latest Business Network Breakfast Briefing saw Dr Anna John use examples from all over the world as she explored three approaches to managing political risks to foreign investments.

17th April 2019

The challenge of smart contracts

During this Breakfast Briefing on 29 November 2018, Dr Robert Herian, Senior Lecturer in Law at The Open University Law School, discussed the concept of 'Smart Contracts'.

29th November 2018

The Future of Work 4.0: Disruptive technologies, opportunity or threat?

During this Breakfast Briefing on 19 June 2018, Dr Peter Bloom, Senior Lecturer in Organisational Studies and Head of the Department for People and Organisations at The Open University Business School, gave his thoughts on the Future of Work in relation to the widely-predicted 'fourth industrial revolution'.

9th July 2018

Open Justice: Digital innovation to support social justice and improve employability

During this Breakfast Briefing on 16 January 2018, Hugh McFaul, Lecturer in Law at The Open University Law School, showcased Open Justice's use of digital innovation in teaching and research to support the development of student employability skills and to promote access to justice.

9th February 2018

Rapid internationalisation and performance: Is the sky the limit?

During this Breakfast Briefing on 12 September 2017, Dr Raquel Garcia-Garcia, Lecturer in Strategic Management at The Open University Business School, discussed "Is the sky the limit?" for the internationalisation of businesses.

25th September 2017

The Ethics of Neoliberalism: The Business of Making Capitalism Moral

During this Breakfast Briefing on 23 May 2017, Dr Peter Bloom, Senior Lecturer in Organisational Studies at The Open University Business School, explained the ideas and theories in his new book "The Ethics of Neoliberalism".

23rd May 2017

Do employers really want their employees to be critical thinkers?

During this Breakfast Briefing on 14 March 2017, Dr Alex Wright, Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management at The Open University Business School, explained his research project idea that would examine how critical thinking is understood among employers and practitioners. 

14th March 2017

The stories we tell ourselves: narrative, emotion and fantasy in strategic decision-making

This session considered tools for strategic decision-making in uncertain times which draw on an understanding of human strengths in adaptive reasoning and the decision-traps we are prone to; drawing on cases such as Nokia and the design of the Thames barrier.

25th January 2017

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - 09:00 to Wednesday, March 12, 2025 - 19:45

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Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - 11:00 to 12:00

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