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Do employers really want their employees to be critical thinkers?

Business Network logoDuring this Breakfast Briefing on 14 March 2017, Dr Alex Wright, Senior Lecturer in Strategic Management at The Open University Business School, explained his research project idea that would examine how critical thinking is understood among employers and practitioners. 

Some of the questions that were discussed during this Business Breakfast session were:

  • What is critical thinking in a business context?
  • Do businesses want their employees to be critical thinkers all of the time? Some of the time? Only when specifically asked for?
  • If it’s some of the time, is critical thinking something that can be turned off and on?
  • Is critical thinking always negative, or can it be positive?
  • Can employers trust their employees to think critically?
  • What are the barriers that prevent employees from thinking critically?

As an academic, Alex has extensive experience of creating, managing and delivering postgraduate modules and awards. As a consultant he has worked at executive and departmental levels leading and facilitating organisations to achieve sustainable competitive advantage. 

View the presentation slides from Dr Alex Wright on 'Do employers really want their employees to be critical thinkers?' 

The Breakfast Briefings are a series of face-to-face events, as part of The Open University Business Network. These events aim to foster collaboration and create an opportunity to explore together the latest and best of business thinking. We understand business and want to help your business flourish by sharing our insights into leadership and management at this series of collaborative events. In between briefings, why not join in on LinkedIn.

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