Gendered Organisational Practice (GOP) are hosting two events in January celebrating gender spaces and gender research. This event, Grounding my Gender Research - In time, will be held on 18 January 2023 10am - 11.30am. Find out more about the first event held on 17 January 10am - 11.30am and titled Creating Memories and Researching from Memories by visiting its dedicated event page.
PhD projects can sometimes feel disembodied and out of sync with lived reality. Our PhD students will ‘ground’ their projects, linking them to gender issues that matter to them but, nevertheless, issues that matter to many. They will use a variety of evocative resources (textual and visual) to explore alternate temporalities and the implications for women astronauts (Alessandra), migrant BAME women working in care homes (Amna), women experiencing the menopause transition (Theresa) and women working with endometriosis (Vickie).
Since its establishments in 2020, Gendered Organisational Practice (GOP) has hosted numerous gender researchers and practitioners, generated brilliant discussions, friendships and feminist solidarities across the globe. This frenzy of activity made us aware of how precious and illuminating our encounters can be and how important it is to create and nurture spaces where we can collectively contemplate gender equality, in academia and broader practice. To celebrate such spaces and all of you, we are hosting two externally facing events. We will also provide a padlet for you to engage with over the course of the two days, where you can have your say about GOP. We hope you can make it!
Alessandra Fenu is a PhD student whose research focuses on the enactment of gender identities in the European Space Agency. My theoretical approach diffractively read critical posthumanism, new materialism, and Butler's theory of performativity, to explore the entanglement of flesh, discourses, power, and materialities constituting the ‘astronaut phenomenon’.
Amna Sarwer is a PhD student whose research focuses on migrant gendered and racialized bodies in care homes and the enactment of b(ordering) in everyday organizational life. I analyse the practices of othering of migrant bodies as ‘space invaders’ in spatial, geographical, and temporal politics of belonging in organizational life and how BAME women carers as ‘subalterns’ negotiate with everyday power structures. I draw on theories such as critical race theory, intersectionality and labor process theory.
Theresa Parker is a Gen X, middle aged, menopausal, white-British, cis(she/her), mother, wife, sister, professional, pragmatic, creative, technical, ‘fashiony’, risk taker. Her research focuses on the UK Fashion Industry using qualitative data to explore intersectional experiences of gender, age(ing) and occupation for binary/ non-binary people working within it.
Vickie Williams is a doctoral student researching the experience of endometriosis in the workplace and the influence of menstrual policy. Her PhD research has so far advised parliamentary debates on supporting endometriosis in the workplace as well as the Women and Work APPG on menstrual wellbeing, and formed the basis of her TEDx talk ‘End-o, not the end of a career.