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Vu Thi Hoang Ngan

Research Student

Vu Thi Hoang Ngan is affiliated with the Department of Accouting and Finance.

You can email Vu Ngan directly but for media enquiries, please contact a member of The Open University's Media Relations team.


Vu Thi Hoang Ngan is a researcher with a strong academic background in Accounting, Finance, and Data Science. She obtained two Master’s degrees with both distinction from the University of Sussex: MSc in Accounting and Finance (2022) and MSc in Banking and Finance (2023). Additionally, she completed an MSc in Data Science – Business and Management Pathway at the University of Manchester (2024). Currently, she is pursuing a PhD in textual analysis in accounting and finance with a studentship from The Open University.

Current Research

Adoption sentiment analysis of financial news in machine learning model to predict stock price

Vu Thi Hoang Ngan’s research focus on adoption data science techniques and Artificial Intelligence (AI) with key interests in Textual analysis in Accounting and Finance. Her current research explores sentiment analysis with stock price prediction, integrating Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning models to enhance forecasting accuracy. She aims to develop robust predictive models that offer insights into market trends and support more effective investment strategies. Furthermore, she also has a keen interest in corporate governance and ESG, particularly in examining the effect of corporate governance on performance and stock liquidity.


Dr Rodion Skovoroda

Dr Tomasz Wisniewski