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Gavin Myers

Research Student

Gavin Myers is affiliated with The Open University's Department of Public Leadership and Social Enteprise.

You can email Gavin directly; but for media enquiries please contact a member of The Open University's Media Relations team.


I am a student in FBL. I am from Jamaica with learning interests in BAME and diaspora organisations, Caribbean culture and identity, BAME Leadership, SIDS partnerships and entrepreneurship.

Current research

Migration, Identity and Community:  Finding Common Ground in a Foreign Country:  Diasporic identities as a basis for inter-organizational collaboration in Caribbean charities in London, United Kingdom as a response to the dislocations

I am researching on the effect that Caribbean diasporic identity has on the collaborative practice of Caribbean Diaspora Voluntary Community Organisations (CDVCOs). It  offers insight on the collaborative practice of CDVCOs and on Carribean organisational identity, utilising a practice-oriented pragmatic research design to contribute to the theory on this.


Professor Siv Vangen

Dr Daniel Haslam