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The 3rd Common-Good HRM International Conference 2025

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - 09:00 to Wednesday, March 12, 2025 - 19:45
Online MS Teams

Navigating Insecurities: Advancing Common Good HRM for Sustainable, Inclusive and Resilient Workplaces

This conference is hosted by: Common Good HRM Research sub-cluster.

To attend online, please complete the following sign-up form

Day 1 - Tuesday 11 March

Please note that all times are Central European Time (CET)

09:00 - 09:15 Conference Welcome - Olga Andrianova and Brian Matthews.

09:15 - 10:00 Welcome! Opening reflections from:

  • Prof. Geoffrey Wood.
  • Prof. Fang Lee Cooke (Monash University, Australia).
  • Prof. Ina Aust (LouRIM at UCLouvain, Belgium).
  • Prof. Michael Müller-Camen (WU-Vienna).
  • Prof. Fiona Edgar (Otago University, New Zealand).
  • Dr. Maria Järlström (University of Vaasa, Finland).
  • Prof. Judith Semeijn (Open Universiteit, Netherlands).
  • Dr. Nhat Tan Pham (Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam).
  • Prof. Geoffrey Wood (Western University, Canada.
  • Prof. Dr. Philip Yang (Universität Paderborn).

10:00 - 10:15 Coffee Break

Competing narratives AI/justice

10:15 - 11:30 Session 1: Establishing CGHRM in the Context of Fragmentation, Demographic Change, New Forms of Work and AI.

Paper 1: Business Readiness to Embrace Artificial Intelligence (AI): A Critical Evaluation Tool for Organisations.

Pamela Simpson.

Paper 2: Developing a Common Good HRM Framework for Hybrid Work in Knowledge-Sharing Industries: A Comparative Study in four countries.

Olga Andrianova, Kelsy Hejjas, Brian Matthews, Fiona Edgar, Nataliya Podgorodnichenko, Adeel Akmal and Andrew Bratton.

Paper 3: Socially Responsible Human Resource Management: What do we know, and where should we be heading?

Shayista Majeed and Sabzar Ahmad Peerzadah.

Paper 4: Can we achieve sustainability without engaging employees? A Systematic Review using the Common-Good HRM perspective.

Burcin Hatipoglu.

Paper 5: Sustainable HRM through a Justine Lens: Mitigating fragmentation by leveraging HRM capabilities Extended Abstract

Nataliya Podgorodnichenkoa, Fiona Edgara, Jiarui Yinb, Adeel Akmalc.

Chairs: Fiona Edgar and Nataliya Podgorodnichenko.

11:30 - 12:00 Q&A: Discussion/Breakouts

12:00 - 12:30 Meal Break


12:30 - 13:15 Session 2: CGHRM and Paradox.

Paper 6: Investigating Nesting Paradox of Corporate Sustainability. A Comparative Case Study in Malaysia's Private HEI and Hospitality Sector.

Bin Khairuddin Ashman, Michalski Marina and Ian Roper.

Paper 7: Green HRM, is there more than meets the eye? A systematic literature review.

A. van der Baan, K.N. Veth, J.H. Semeijn and M.C.J.Caniëls.

Paper 8: Common Good Human Resource Management and sustainable careers – potential avenues.

Katharina Chudzikowski.

Chairs: Katharina Chudzikowski & Judith Semeijn.

13:15 - 13:45 Q&A: Discussion/Breakouts

13:45 - 14.00 Coffee Break

Publishing - guest expert

14:00 - 15:00 Session 3: Meet the editor.

Round table expert discussion:

“The How and Why of Academic Book Publishing”

(Incl. Impulse-Presentation von Alec Selwyn, Palgrave Publishing).

Chairs: Ina Aust & Judith Semeijn.

15:00 - 15:15 Coffee Break


15:15 - 16:30 Session 4: CGHRM & Workplace Democracy, Employee Voice and Stakeholder Engagement.

Paper 9: Towards Establishing Organizational Legitimacy: The Early Years of Amul (1946 – 1965).

Aastha Arora, Surya Prakash Pati & Vijay Edward Pereira.

Paper 10: Employer Branding for the Common Good: A Desirable Future.

Ludger Voigt and Dietrich von der Oelsnitz.

Paper 11: Line manager leadership and employee voice.

Victoria Nightingale.

Paper 12: Common Good HRM - in a non-western context.

Olga Andrianova, Andrew Bratton and Brian Matthews.

Paper 13: From Strategy to Practice - A Multi-level Exploration of Stakeholder Perspectives.

L. Pethö-Schramm, D. Stynen,T. Van Waeyenberg and J.H. Semeijn.

Chair: Olga Andrianova.

16:30 - 17:00 Q&A: Discussion/Breakouts

17:00 - 17:15 Coffee Break


17:15 - 18:15 - Workshop - PHD & Early Career Workshop.

Chairs: Ina Aust and Judith Semeijn.

Day 2 - Wednesday 12 March

Please note that all times are CET.

09:00 - 09:15 Welcome Day 2 - Olga Andrianova and Brian Matthews.

Decent Work/Tourism - Guest expert

09:15 - 10:30 Session 5: Decent Work and Sustainable Tourism.

Round table expert discussion:

  • “How can the Common Good HRM approach resonate with the goals and interests of tourism operators and destinations?”
  • (incl. Impulse-Presentation von Stefanie Neubauer & Economy of Communion Case Studies from Michal Lemanski).

Chairs: Richard N. Robinson, Antje Martins and Dierdre Curren.

10:30 - 10:45 Coffee Break

Mental Health/Well-being

10:45 - 11:45 Session 6: CGHRM & Spirituality, Social Identity and Psychological Well-Being.

Paper 14: Towards a values-based common good human resource management: Pathways to common good HR practices through workplace spirituality and contemplative practice.

Jason T. Palframan, Susanne Rank, Brian Matthews and Naval Garg.

Paper 15: Psychological empowerment as a mediator between volunteerism and its impact on employees’ well-being.

Jacqueline Zwiener, Jason T. Palframan and Susanne Rank.

Paper 16: Common Good HRM: An Effective Solution for Workplace Bullying.

Premilla D’Cruz and Ernesto Noronha.

Paper 17: Navigating Workplace Insecurities: Internal Informal Coaching as a Pillar of CGHRM and Well-Being.

Stalgy Muliyil and Renu Girotra.

Chairs: Katharina Moreno, Subhendu Patnaik & Cigdem Vatansever.

11:45 - 12:15 Q&A: Discussion/Breakouts

12:15 - 13:00 Meal Break


13:00 - 14:00 Session 7: CGHRM & Implications for Practice and Organizational behaviour.

Paper 18: Management of Labour Rights and its Relation to Common Good at Work.

Cigdem Vatansever.

Paper 19: Characteristics of Sustainable HRM Practices: consequences for measurement and evaluation of their effectiveness.

Marjolein van den Heijkant, Albert Kampermann, Judith Semeijn, Dave Stynen, Thomas van Waeyenberg.

Paper 20: Developing a Measurement Scale for Common Good Human Resource Management: A Mixed-Methods Approach.

Chau Nguyen, Tran Hoang Tuan and Nhat Tan Pham.

Paper 21: Organizational benefits of network membership: combinations and strength of conditions for personnel flow and employability from an HR perspective.

Sarah Courchesne, Dave Stynen, Maryse Chappin, Judith Semeijn and Marjolein Caniëls.

Chairs: Jacqueline Zwiener and Jason Palframan.

14:00 - 14:30 Q&A: Discussion/Breakouts

14:30 - 14:45 Coffee Break


14:45 - 15:30 Session 8: CGHRM and Leadership.

Paper 22: Sustainable Leadership: Reviewing and Reshaping Current Perspectives.

Emily Nass.

Paper 23: Nomadic Leadership and Common Good HRM: Redefining the Role of the Chief HR Officer.

Saranzaya Manalsuren, Ina Aust and Katharina Moreno.

Paper 24: Emerging as an authentic introverted leader in the UK: the case of HE.

Jacqueline Baxter, Volker Patent and Anna Winter.

Chairs: Ina Aust, Saranzaya Manalsuren & Katharina Moreno.

15:30 - 16:00 Q&A: Discussion/Breakouts

16:00 - 16:15 Coffee Break


16:15 - 17:45 Session 9: CGHRM & Diversity, Equality and Inclusion.

Paper 25: Access to Justice and Decent Work for Highly Skilled International Professionals in Austria: A Socio-Legal Perspective.

Ana Nestorovic, Marie Therese Claes and Michael Schiffinger.

Paper 26: Hypernormalization of Unsustainable Careers as Sustainable: Why Persisting in Emphasizing Sustainability Despite its Notable Absence?

Matthijs Bal.

Paper 27: Sustainable HRM and the Common Good: Employee Voice in Hybrid Work.

Andrew Bratton and Kelsy Hejjas.

“DEI: From theory to practice”. Expert discussion with Dr. Isabel Collien,

Head of Anti-Discrimination and LGBTI+ at the Federal State Authority in Hamburg.

Chairs: Maria Therese Claes & Cigdem Vatansever.

17:45 - 18:00 Coffee Break


18:00 - 19:00 Session 10: CGHRM & Ecological Sustainability.

Paper 28: Waste Management in the UK - A common good perspective.

Olga Andrianova.

Paper 29: Green Human Resource Management and Job Pursuit Intention: Conceptual Model with Green Lifestyle.

Hayat Farag.

Paper 30: Breaking out of the greenhouse - A critical essay on corporate-driven sustainability and organizational limitations.

Bernhard Scharwächter.

Paper 31: Just transition - in practice at an automotive supplier plant.

Anja Kirsch and Jule Klink.

Chairs: Olga Andrianova and Bernhard Scharwächter.

19:00 - 19:30 Q&A: Discussion/Breakouts

19:30 - 19:45 Final Round/Farewell