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Wales: Who Do We Think We Are? With Huw Edwards

Two Open University academics have been working behind the scenes on an OU/BBC co-production about how the identity of Welsh people has been shaped.

Tonight, Monday 17 October, on BBC 1 Wales, the broadcaster and journalist Huw Edwards (pictured above) is seen in the programme as he tours the country to see what turbulent events of the past decade, in addition to current challenges, have influenced the Welsh identity.

Wales: Who Do We Think We Are? With Huw Edwards is shown at 9pm, and will then be available to view on iPlayer.

In the programme, among many aspects explored, Huw looks at how the two governments in Wales – Welsh and UK – are affecting the lives of people in Wales.

It follows a history series Huw was involved in a decade ago called ‘The story of Wales’, in which he said contemporary Wales was “an ancient people more certain of our identity than at any point in the past thousand years”.

What has changed

Now he’s back to find out if anything has changed and that’s where the academic expertise of Dr Donna Smith, politics senior lecturer, and Dr Owain Smolovic Jones, organisation studies senior lecturer, were sought out.

Owain, also director of the Research into Employment, Empowerment and Futures (REEF) research centre at the OU’s business school, said:

I got involved with the programme because I research leadership, particularly leadership that is driven from below, by people’s creativity and co-operation.

For this kind of leadership, Wales is an obvious place to look for examples of innovation. There’s also a culture that’s developed in Wales of leadership from the top – across political parties and organisations – being porous with and responsive to grassroots organisations.

The programme does a great job of showing aspects of both leadership from the top and below – for example the work of the innovative Future Generations Commissioner, established to ensure that the needs of future generations are included in Welsh legislation and policy, and the vibrant activism around housing justice that is yielding real progress.

The impact of devolution

He adds that while Wales has significant socio-economic challenges, devolution has made people aware that the future of the country can be shaped by Wales and Welsh people.

He pointed to the approach the Welsh government took during the pandemic, which resulted in a renewed sense of confidence that Wales can develop a distinct identity.

“Wales is definitely a place to watch if you’re interested in active citizenship and leadership,” he added.

This programme was commissioned by Broadcast and Partnerships and is supported by the following faculties:

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, with particular relevance to BA (Hons) in Social Sciences, Changing Geographies of the United Kingdom and The Making of Welsh History.

The Faculty of Business and Law, with particular relevance to BA Business and Management (Leadership Practice), Creating Futures: Sustainable Enterprise and Innovation, and Leadership in Changing World.

  • Commissioned by Dr Caroline Ogilvie, Head of Broadcast and Partnerships
  • Academic Consultants: Dr Donna Smith and Dr Owain Smolovic Jones
  • Media Fellow: Dr Alison Penn and Alessandro Saroli
  • Broadcast Project Manager: Jo Weeks
  • Supporting online content: Andrew Hudson

Visit our Broadcast and Partnerships site OU Connect where you can find extensive resources and information on topics related to this series. What does it mean to be an “active citizen”, and how can leadership and diversity open up new doors and opportunities for Welsh communities? Watch The Open University’s exclusive interviews with some of the contributors from the programme.

Picture credit: Wildflame

This article was originally published on The OU news website; click to read the original article.

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