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Step one achieved in triple crown reaccreditation


The Open University Business School (OUBS) has maintained its Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) international accreditation. AACSB is one of the three premier accrediting organisations for business schools worldwide and makes up one third of OUBS’ triple accreditation status.

To maintain this prestigious award, the Business School must satisfy a robust set of quality standards set out by AACSB, with reviews being held every five years. Quality standards are met by demonstrating a commitment to areas such as strategic management, learner success, impactful thought leadership, societal impact and a commitment to continuous improvement.

The review, held virtually over four days, involved more than 70 staff, partners and students and saw the Peer Review Team (PRT) commend the Business School on:

  • Having a mission that is clear and energising to which both staff and students are dedicated.
  • Our uniqueness – we live and breathe our mission in a way that distinguishes us from many other business schools they have visited.
  • Our apprenticeship programme – this created new opportunities for students and to build strong relationships with corporate partners.
  • The University’s partnership with the BBC and the huge array of open online resources we provide. It was noted that our digital presence was very strong and commendable. 
  • Our ongoing commitment to accreditation and continuous improvement.

I am extremely proud to announce another successful AACSB accreditation review for The Open University Business School. This outcome is testament to the commitment and hard work of the School and its drive to ensure that our students enjoy a higher education experience of the highest quality. We’re grateful to the AACSB Peer Review Team and to all those who helped and supported us before and during the visit.

Professor Devendra Kodwani
Executive Dean, Faculty of Business and Law (FBL)


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