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  3. The OU Investment Simulator has two decades in three weeks!

The OU Investment Simulator has two decades in three weeks!

Image of OU Investment Simulation

The Open University Investment Simulator is a new online tool developed by The True Potential Centre for the Public Understanding of Finance (True Potential PUFin).

Designed to help apply what you have learned and give feedback on how well you are doing, it replicates the experience an investor has over 20 years and condenses it into just three weeks! It is completely free and easy to use, takes less than 60 seconds to register and allows you to start playing with a virtual £10,000.

You then choose where to invest – in equities, bonds, investment funds or just holding it in cash – as you would any normal investment. Every day, the clock rolls forward one year and the market moves as it might have done over this period. You do not have to log in every day though – you can buy, sell or change your investments as often or as little as you like.

Just click here by midnight on Friday 29 June, enter your email address and a password, and you can immediately start to make your first investments. The simulation runs until Thursday 19 July.

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