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Like it or not, schools are being converted into academies – that’s anti-democratic

As children head back to class this week, another school will be opening its doors for the autumn term as an academy – in spite of opposition from parents and the community

4th September 2015

The Four Ages of Online Executive Education

We have come a long way from the late 1990s and the first inklings of what the emerging internet might mean for executive education. A model of the efficient transfer of knowledge held sway as delegates were ranged before banks of cathode ray tubes and plugged into programmes of learning. With computers in charge, what could possibly go wrong?

19th August 2015

The Private Security State

Following the 9/11 attacks in 2001, a raft of legislation was introduced in the UK and in Europe mandating data sharing between the private sector and government. Post Snowden, the appetite for such surveillance waned. However, after the attacks in Paris and Copenhagen earlier in 2015, this appetite seems to have been renewed.

18th August 2015

What you need to be an effective leader

Leadership is widely regarded as important and, if you want to develop a career in any organisation, you will certainly be expected to develop and demonstrate leadership skills. Unfortunately, there is much less unanimity about what constitutes good leadership, although many have tried to answer this important question. 

9th August 2015

Political astuteness: an essential skill in the workplace

Increasingly leaders need to deal with and manage a range of stakeholders with diverse goals, values and priorities; political astuteness, aka understanding the lay of the land and using it to your advantage, is a valuable tool in influencing and engaging stakeholders. It also helps leaders to understand others and achieve organisational outcomes.

8th August 2015

How to address the looming skills shortage: seven L&D strategies

Around the world, governments are predicting serious employment challenges relating to a pending shortage of key skills. What can be done to address this and how does it impact on HR, L&D departments and the companies and institutions that design and deliver development programmes for them?

7th August 2015

The OU wins grant to create National Centre for Policing Research & Professional Development

The OU has been awarded £1.36m of funding over 19 months from the Police Knowledge Fund, a joint initiative between The College of Policing, HEFCE and the Home Office.

5th August 2015

MBA Case Builder wins prestigious education awards

The OU’s MBA Business Case Builder has won two industry awards: Gold in the annual Heist Awards in the category of ‘Best use of innovation and creative thinking’ and Silver in the CASE Circle of Excellence Awards in the category of ‘Individual sub-websites’.

4th August 2015

OU/BBC launch interactive attitude to money test

The BBC has launched an interactive test to shed light on people’s relationship with money. The test is based on a scientific survey of more than 100,000 people, which looked at their attitudes to money and what financial consequences this could have.

13th July 2015

Outstanding students celebrated in annual awards

The achievements of outstanding students and alumni have been celebrated in The Open University Business School’s annual Achievement Awards 2014/15 during a special ceremony held in Milton Keynes.

18th June 2015
The Open University triple accreditation logos

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