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The Open University Business School Awards - Student and Alumni Winners

Student and Alumni Award winners 2016-2017

The Open University Business School’s annual Student and Alumni Awards, held on Wednesday 21 June 2017 in Milton Keynes, celebrated its highest achieving students and the alumni who have made an outstanding contribution to an organisation or society, as voted for by fellow alumni. Among this year’s winners were a procurement manager, a global operations executive, a voluntary charity worker and a director.

With over 19,000 students per year, in over 80 countries across the world, the award winners are the highest achievers in their qualification, recognised for their academic excellence, alongside their commitment, dedication and unrivalled determination. Winners were congratulated by Professor Rebecca Taylor, Executive Dean of The Open University Business School.

All of the winners have an exceptional story to tell about their life-changing learning experience and we are incredibly proud, as a Business School, to recognise their achievements and to celebrate the success of our vibrant and growing student and alumni communities. I wish all the winners my warmest congratulations on their achievements and every success for their future endeavours.

Professor Rebecca Taylor
Executive Dean

It is always such a privilege to meet our incredible students and alumni, especially at an occasion such as this where we have the opportunity to celebrate their achievements and success. Students are at the heart of everything we do at the OU and we are incredibly proud of their achievements. I congratulate all of the winners and I look forward to hearing about their future success.

Peter Horrocks

2016 Highest Achiever Student Award Winners

  • MBA Student of the Year: Barry Edwards
  • BA (Honours) in Business Studies Student of the Year: Jacqueline Coleman
  • BA (Honours) in Leadership & Management Student of the Year: Edwin Bainbridge
  • Professional Certificate in Management Student of the Year: Luke Lenton
  • Professional Certificate in Accounting tudent of the Year: Joanna Page

2016 Alumni of the Year Achievement Awards

  • Alumni of the Year Award Winner: Dr Michelle Gardner
  • Alumni of the Year Award Highly Commended: Natallia Dean
  • Alumni of the Year Award Highly Commended: Dan Egorov
  • Alumni of the Year Award Highly Commended: Paul Heardman
  • Alumni of the Year Award Highly Commended: Dmitriy Ponkratov
  • Alumni of the Year Award Highly Commended: Katharina Schubert

Find out more about our Student and Alumni Award winners.

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