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Navigating the Business Landscape of 2063: Key Issues on the Horizon

Founded in September 1983, The Open University Business School officially celebrates 40 years this year.

As part of our 40th anniversary reflections, we asked our Business School students and alumni what they think the global business landscape might look like in another 40 years. This entry comes from Rachel Blackburn, Director at US2U Consulting and MBA graduate.

In the ever-evolving world of business, it is essential to anticipate and adapt to the challenges that the future will bring. As we peer into the crystal ball of 2063, several key issues are poised to reshape the business landscape. Sustainability, AI, lifestyle, and technology will play pivotal roles in defining the future of commerce.

Sustainability as the New Norm

Forty years from now, sustainability will no longer be a buzzword; it will be a fundamental requirement. The world’s ecological challenges will drive businesses to innovate and adopt eco-friendly practices. Companies will need to align their operations with the principles of sustainable development to meet customer demands and address regulatory requirements.

AI-Driven Transformation

Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have transformed business operations in ways we can only dream of today. The integration of AI will optimise decision-making processes, automate tasks, and revolutionize customer experiences. Businesses that fail to harness the power of AI will be at a severe disadvantage in the competitive landscape of 2063.

Evolving Lifestyles and Consumer Preferences

As society continues to evolve, so too will the lifestyles and preferences of consumers. Businesses must be agile and responsive, catering to the shifting demographics and tastes of their target markets. Expectations for personalized, ethical, and convenient products and services will be the norm, and companies will need to adapt to these evolving demands.

Quantum Leaps in Technology

Technological advancements will continue at an unprecedented pace. Quantum computing, nanotechnology, and other emerging fields will revolutionize industries and create new opportunities. Staying at the forefront of these technological shifts will be imperative for businesses, allowing them to maintain a competitive edge.

Global Connectivity and New Markets

In 2063, the world will be more interconnected than ever before. Emerging markets will play a significant role in the global economy. Businesses that successfully navigate these markets and leverage the potential of borderless commerce will thrive, while those that resist globalisation may struggle.

Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) as Cornerstones

In 2063, the pursuit of equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) will have become central to business operations. As societal norms evolve and the importance of social responsibility deepens, businesses will recognize the economic and ethical benefits of fostering diverse and inclusive workplaces.

Achieving EDI goals will not only be a matter of compliance but a strategic imperative. Businesses that foster diverse workforces and embrace inclusion will benefit from a broader spectrum of perspectives, ideas, and talent, leading to increased innovation and better problem-solving. This, in turn, will enhance their competitiveness and brand reputation.

In addition to internal efforts, businesses will also be expected to actively contribute to addressing global social and equity issues. Aligning with social causes and driving positive change will be integral to corporate strategies. Companies that genuinely commit to EDI principles will not only thrive in the diverse markets of the future but will also contribute to a more equitable and inclusive society.

Businesses in 2063 will need to view EDI as a cornerstone, recognizing that the strength of their workforce and their ability to connect with diverse customer bases will be crucial to their success. By making EDI a core part of their mission, businesses can create a more inclusive and prosperous future for all.


To prepare for the future, businesses should invest in research and development, foster innovation, and prioritize sustainability in their operations. They should also stay agile and adaptable to address the shifting sands of consumer preferences and leverage the transformative power of AI and cutting-edge technology.

In conclusion, the business landscape of 2063 will be shaped by sustainability, AI, lifestyle, and technology. As business leaders, it is crucial to recognize these key issues and proactively prepare for the challenges and opportunities they present. Adapting to the evolving world is not just a choice; it’s a necessity for survival and success in the businesses of the future.

Read further responses to this question from our alumni and students.

This blogpost was originally published in the FBL Perspectives WordPress website and has now been archived on to the FBL website.

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