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Learning at Work Week Impact Awards

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The winners of the 2016 Learning at Work Week Impact Awards have been announced by the Campaign for Learning.

The awards, co-sponsored by The Open University Business School, are open to all organisations who participate in Learning at Work Week, which takes place in May each year.

To enter, companies must demonstrate how the design and delivery of their learning events made a positive impact on their employees and business.

In 2016, companies entered for one of five categories. The winning organisations are:

The Open University Business School Impact Award for Supporting Business and Organisational Goals

  • Thomas Cook (Large organisation)
  • SPX Flow Europe Ltd (SME organisation)

By participating in Learning at Work Week, the organisations are demonstrating their commitment to a learning and development culture. I was inspired by the entries submitted; the organisations applied real creativity to ensure the learning activities were fun, inclusive and innovative, while delivering tangible business outcomes that benefitted employees, organisations and customers.

Penny Asher
Director of Executive Education at The Open University Business School

Pearson Impact Award for Promoting a Learning Culture

  • Yell (Large organisation)
  • Tower Hamlets Education Business Partnership (SME organisation)

The NCFE Impact Award for Supporting Maths, English and Digital Skills

  • DWP National Employer and Partnership Team

The OCN London Impact Award for Inspiring Learning for All

  • First Bus (Large organisation)
  • Tinder Foundation (SME organisation)

The Unison Impact Award for Unions and Employers working in partnership

  • Unison and Dorset County Council (Unison category)
  • Unite and First Bus (non-Unison union category)

Learning at Work Week celebrates the deep and positive impact of learning for our work and home lives, and workplace agendas, from wellbeing through driving innovation to productivity. It’s a real privilege to work with so many great companies and organisations each year who believe in the transformative effect of learning and are passionate about engaging colleagues across their business.

This year’s award entries once again demonstrate how creative, multi-disciplinary approaches that bring learning, marketing and communications together can have a significant impact on building learning cultures at work.

We’d like to thank all of the organisations who entered and our sponsors for supporting this year’s awards. Many congratulations to the winners and commended companies for their achievement!

Julia Wright
National Director, Campaign for Learning

Learning at Work Week 2017 takes place from 15-21 May.

For more information about the Learning at Work Week Impact Awards, including highly commended and commended organisations, visit the Campaign for Learning website.

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