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Change Management microcredential tackles the impact of AI on organisations

The Open University today launches a new microcredential aimed at business professionals and graduates who want to learn new skills to get them ahead of the game in the post COVID-19 era.

Management of Change: Organisation Development and Design will be hosted on the OU’s international social learning partner platform, FutureLearn. It’s open today (4th March 2021) for enrolment to learners around the world.

Tim Plyming, Managing Director Microcredentials, The Open University, commented:

This course is an important addition to our suite of business and management microcredentials – combining our academic excellence with practitioner experience, to support managers and future leaders to create change strategies and effectively manage and lead organisational development in an ever changing digital world.

Tim Plyming
Managing Director Microcredentials

Learners will benefit from the real-world experience of practicing professionals who have successfully adopted design thinking principles to benefit their organisation.

With more than half of Europe’s workforce facing significant transition due to the impact of AI, Lead academic Dr Hilary Collins says the course couldn’t have come at a better time for those looking to upskill:

AI is reshaping economies and societies across the world, offering new products and services, and promising to generate productivity gains, improve efficiency and lower costs. But the adoption of AI also raises questions and fuels anxieties, changing and perhaps accelerating the range of tasks that can be automated, and transforming the way work is carried out now and in the future.

This course is designed to support those who recognise the need to upskill, including managers, leaders and those aspiring to more senior roles in business, government and the third sector. You’ll learn from carefully designed course materials and, in conversation with other learners, you will gain new insights into the impact of digital transformation on people, organisation and society

Dr Hilary Collins
Senior Lecturer in Corporate Programmes

With the world of work changing fast this course is built to help learners develop emotional intelligence, cognitive and social skills which, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, are in-demand skills.

It is ideal for professionals, managers and leaders, particularly those working in roles that involve organisational development or change and/or those in industries that are rapidly changing due to digitalisation.

Enrolment starts on the 4th March 2021 with the course beginning on the 28th June for 12 weeks.

For more information and to enrol click here.

What is a microcredential?

Microcredentials are online industry endorsed short courses with academic credit. OU microcredentials are delivered on the OUs international social learning partner platform, FutureLearn.

Created by leading academics and endorsed by industry partners, OU microcredentials offer a perfect balance of academic excellence and workplace relevance, allowing learners to enhance or develop critical and in-demand knowledge and skills in 10 to 12 weeks.

Our suite of skills based microcredentials cover popular subjects including cyber security, business management and online teaching. They’re created in direct response to learner and sector needs, and allow learners to hone or quickly develop new skills that they can immediately apply to their work, or boost their CV!

Explore our courses

This article originally appeared on the ounews website. Click here to read the article.

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