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Student Hub Live - Creative note-taking

Monday, May 17, 2021 - 12:00 to 13:00
Online with Student Hub Live
Student Hub Live

Are you a keen note-taker or does the idea fill you with dread? Do you have stacks of highlighted notes that you never look at, or perhaps no idea what ‘good’ notes should look like in the first place?

Note-taking is a key skill that helps us make sense of material, digest it and critically evaluate it, and also remember key points for exams or future use. Yet there is no ‘right’ way to take notes, and at this workshop Student Hub Live (SHL) will show and share different styles of note-taking. If you would like to develop your own style, and perhaps share some of the note-taking techniques you have used, this workshop is for you. They have a special guest, Jay Rixon, who had to develop her own way of note-taking – her ideas are inspirational and fun. 

Register to attend here and subscribe at Student Hub Live if you would like to be notified about regisration and upcoming events.  

Important notice: SHL events are usually fully booked. If you are unable to attend, we kindly ask you to cancel your ticket to enable a student on a waiting list to attend.

This session is very tightly structured, starting promptly and finishing on time, with a strict programme of presentations and group activities. Please log in 15 minutes before the start, so that you can test your equipment and familiarise yourself with the online room.