Dr Sarah-Jane Lennie (SJ) is a Chartered Psychologist (British Psychological Society) and Lecturer in the Department of Police, Organisationa and Practice, at the Open University. SJ specialises in social psychology, emotions in the workplace and the mental health and wellbeing of police officers. Prior to returning to academia SJ served for 18 years as a police officer, to the rank of Detective Inspector. SJ is an Associate to the College of Policing, as a subject matter expert in mental health and organsational culture and leadership. SJ's research focus is on supporting police officer's emotional welllbeing through the exploration of officer's lived experience and the impact of organisational culture and leadership on individual mental health. SJ looks at the role of stigma, emotional suppression and dissociation in the increasing cases of PTSD within British officers. Currenlty she is working on projects looking at the needs of police families, perinatal mental health in policing, self-reflection as a form of self-care for police officers and the implementation of Schwartz rounds in British and New Zealand police.
Emotions at Work, Organisational Culture and Leadership, Wellbeing, Mental Health, PTSD, Organisational Psychology, Social Psychology.
Leadership, Decision Making, Investigation.
SJ is an Associate to the College of Policing and delivers on Leadership, Mental Health and Wellbeing and PTSD to the Fast Track Inspector and Direct Entry cohorts and on the Senior Command Course. SJ is currently Principle Investigator on a College of Policing funded project looking at the wellbeing needs of the families of police officers as an aspect of the Police Covenant.
SJ is working collaboratively with Waikato University and the New Zealand police service to improve officer wellbeing, reflecting the work with British police officers.
Partnering in construction revisited: gauging progress in industry practice and prospects for advances in academic research. (2024)
Bresnen, Mike; Lennie, Sarah-Jane and Marshall, Nick
Construction Management and Economics ((early access))
Special issue: Revisiting and re-examining partnering, alliancing and related forms of collaboration in construction (2024)
Bresnen, Mike; Lennie, Sarah-Jane and Marshall, Nick
Construction Management and Economics ((Early access))
Driving Program Delivery Forward? A Case Study of Owner–Supplier Collaboration in Infrastructure Development (2023)
Bresnen, Mike and Lennie, Sarah-Jane
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 71 (pp. 11842-11854)
Psychodrama and emotional labour in the police: A mutually beneficial methodology for researchers and participant (2021-12)
Lennie, Sarah-Jane; Sutton, Anna and Crozier, Sarah
Methods in Psychology, 5, Article 100066
Perinatal Mental Health and Employment: Exploring the Work-Illness Intersection in the Context of UK Policing (2024-02)
Wilkinson, Krystal; Lennie, Sarah-Jane and Duddin, Keely
In: Wilkinson, Krystal and Woolnough, Helen eds. Work-Life Inclusion: Broadening Perspectives Across the Life-Course (pp. 95-108)
ISBN : 978-1-80382-219-8 | Publisher : Emerald Publishing Limited | Published : Leeds
Relational procurement: translating lessons learned from large infrastructural projects (2023-01-20)
Bresnen, Michael; Lennie, Sarah-Jane and Marshall, Nick
In: Bonner, Adrian ed. COVID-19 and Social Determinants of Health: Wicked Issues and Relationalism (pp. 351-365)
ISBN : 9781447364979 | Publisher : Policy Press | Published : Bristol
Perinatal mental health and police life (2023)
Wilkinson, Krystal; Lennie, Sarah-Jane and Duddin, Keely
In : GWO 2023: Gender, Work and Organization Conference (28-30 Jun 2023, Stellenbosh, South Africa)
New and Expectant Parent Mental Health Supervisor Toolkit (2024-07)
Wilkinson, Krystal; Lennie, Sarah-Jane and Duddin, Keely
The Open University, Manchester Met University, Association of Women in Policing, PANDAS