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Mr Jonathan Winship

FCCA, BA(Natal), BCom(UNISA), PGCE(Natal), BAHons(UNISA), MSc(Open)

Profile summary

Professional biography

Jonathan is an ACCA qualified accountant who has also completed further studies in economics, education and management research. Apart from a few years working as an accountant, he has spent the bulk of his career teaching economics, accounting and finance in several different roles in South Africa and the UK. Jonathan has been at The Open University Business School since 2004. His main scholarship and research interests are in online accounting and finance education and the influence of neoclassical economics on the UK accounting profession. He has also been a trustee and treasurer for several UK charities and has contributed articles on understanding key aspects of accounting and finance in publications aimed at students of accounting and finance.


Research interests

Currently, Jonathan’s main interest is in action research in the broad use of the internet as an educational tool for accounting and finance students, particularly as a device to enable students to acquire the knowledge and skills needed for the first stage of professional qualifications in accounting.  A further area of interest is the influence of neoclassical economics on various aspects of accounting, auditing and the regulation of professionally qualified accountants.

Teaching interests

A particular teaching interest of Jonathan's is the use of virtual learning environments to teach introductory accounting and finance.  Jonathan was the chair in production of the Open University module 'Fundamentals of Accounting' (B124) which uses a virtual learning environment for its presentation.   

Research groups

NameTypeParent Unit
Socially Responsible Management and Regulation ThemeThemeThe Faculty of Business and Law


Glossary of financial terms (2007)
Winship, Jonathan
In: Tyler, Sheila ed. The Manager's Good Study Guide, 3rd edition (pp. 266-275)
ISBN : 9780749213879 | Publisher : Open University Worldwide | Published : Milton Keynes

The use of objective questions in the formative on-line assessment of distance learning accounting students (2007)
Winship, Jonathan
In : BAA Accounting Education Annual Conference (22-23 May 2007, University of Glamorgan, Gregynog, Newtown, Wales)