Professional Biography
I am a Lecturer in Management at the Department of People and Organisations (DPO), Faculty of Business and Law, where I am currently working on the Apprenticeships programme. I have twenty years experience in teaching and learning roles at the Open University and University of Bolton and have taught on a wide variety of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in business and politics via face to face, hybrid and online platform methods, with domestic and international students and via partnerships. I hold a Senior Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and also advise as a subject specialist for QAA quality reviews in business and management education.
My PhD is in political economy from the University of Manchester Alliance Business School and I have an MBA from the Open University Business School alongside an undergraduate degree in History from the University of Birmingham.
Prior to working in higher education I worked in the corporate sector in a vaiety of roles as manager, project manager and trainer in telecoms and FMCG environments.
Research interests
My research interests are in a) public and organisational storytelling and mythmaking, reputation management and presentation of public narratives via mediation and mediatisation and b) digital enclosure and associated identity work undertaken by those inhabiting digital workplaces.
Teaching interests
I have a broad range of teaching and learning interests and have substantial experience facilitating students from Higher Education Access modules right through to MBA dissertation supervision, where I have a particular interest in the translation of political policies to workplace outcomes.
Impact and engagement
You can access my most recent invited lecture for University of Lancaster Educational Research department via YouTube at Fran Myers & Hilary Collins: "Uberising’ HE? Teaching identity work behind the digital curtain" - YouTube (22 March 2021) I've also been an invited speaker at Liverpool Hope University education department, and at the University of Sharjah. I am a reviewer for Journal of Further and Higher Education, and you can find my conference papers on the publications link.
Navigating from industry to higher education: Practitioner transitions to academic life (2025)
Myers, Fran; Baxter, Jacqueline; Selby-Fell, Helen and Morales Pachón, Andrés
British Educational Research Journal ((early access))
‘Lost futures’, and undermined pasts of the pandemic; digital lecturers’ ghostly reflections of time, self, and the university (2025)
Myers, Fran; Collins, Hilary and Glover, Hayley
Management Learning ((in press))
A moment in and out of time: precarity, liminality, and autonomy in crisis teaching (2024-01-16)
Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
Teaching in Higher Education, 29(3) (pp. 723-740)
Book review: Wilfredo Alvarez Everyday Dirty Work: Invisibility, Communication, and Immigrant Labor (2023-10)
Myers, Frances
Work, Employment, and Society, 37(5) (pp. 1437-1439)
Political Purpose and the Development of Mediatisation: Considering Media Representations and News Management During the Coal Dispute of 1984-5 (2023)
Myers, Frances
Journal of Communication Inquiry, 48(1) (pp. 71-89)
Behind the digital curtain: a study of academic identities, liminalities and labour market adaptations for the ‘Uber-isation’ of HE (2022)
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Myers, Fran
Teaching in Higher Education, 27(2) (pp. 201-216)
Learner interrupted: understanding the stories behind the codes – a qualitative analysis of HE distance-learner withdrawals (2021)
Myers, Frances; Glover, Hayley and Stephens, Carey
Journal of Further and Higher Education, 45(8) (pp. 1134-1146)
The Automation Game: technological retention activities and perceptions on changes to tutors’ roles and identity (2019)
Myers, Fran; Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Watson, Mor
Teaching in Higher Education, 24(4) (pp. 545-562)
[Book Review] Social Myths and Collective Imaginaries (2018)
Myers, Fran
Cultural Sociology, 12(1) (pp. 119-121)
Signals from the silent: online predictors of non-success (2014-04)
Stephens, Carey and Myers, Fran
Business and Management Education in HE: An International Journal, 1 (pp. 47-60)
Public Myth and Metaphor: Negative Narratives, Lost Reputations and Bankers’ Leadership Illegitimacies from The Media During the Financial Crisis of 2008-9 (2021-07-08)
Myers, Fran
In: Metin Camgöz, Selin and Tayfur Ekmekci, Özge eds. Destructive Leadership and Management Hypocrisy: Advances in Theory and Practice (pp. 211-224)
ISBN : 9781800431812 | Publisher : Emerald Publishing Limited | Published : Bingley
Engaging large groups of individual learners through an online environment – an emerging i-Learner generation? (2013-05-15)
Myers, Fran; Phillips, Mike; Raby, Paul and Stephens, Carey
In: Doyle, Elaine; Buckley, Patrick and Carroll, Conor eds. Innovative Business School Teaching
ISBN : 978-0-415-53399-7 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Abingdon
Tension, emotion and altruism: line managers as unsung heroes at the workforce development coalface? (2024-07-01)
Bloomfield, Sarah; Marshall, Helen; Timmins, Susan; Reid, Kristen and Myers, Fran
In : UALL–SCUTREA Conference 2024: Thinking globally and acting locally for lifelong learning (1-3 Jul 2024, SOAS, University of London)
Apprentice Perspectives: Agency, resilience, and withdrawal in work-based learning provision (2024-06-17)
Myers, Fran; Reid, Kristen and Bloomfield, Sarah
In : The 13th Researching Work and Learning conference (17-19 Jun 2024, Linköping University, Sweden) (pp. 74-76)
The straw that broke the camel's back?: a tensions based perspective on the role of Portfolios in aiding and restricting learning on the CMDA (2023-11-29)
Reid, Kristen; Bloomfield, Sarah and Myers, Fran
In : UVAC Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship Knowledge Network (29 Nov 2023, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, UK)
Tracking The Authorised Version? Comparing UK Media Representations and Political News Management During the 1984-5 Coal Dispute (2023)
Myers, Frances
In : Political Studies Association 2023 (3-5 Apr 2023, Liverpool)
Stop all the clocks: Narratives of independence, interdependence, and resistance in digital teaching when the everyday is every day (2023)
Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
In : BSA WES2023: British Sociological Association, Work Employment and Society Conference (13-15 Sep 2023, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK)
Imaging the pandemic: Higher Education tutors’ narratives and photographs of precarious online living and learning (2023)
Collins, Hilary; Myers, Fran and Glover, Hayley
In : SRHE International Research Conference 2023 (4-8 Dec 2023, Aston University, Birmingham, UK)
Teaching in the time of COVID-19: a timescape of online tutors’ lived experiences (2022)
Glover, Hayley; Collins, Hilary and Myers, Fran
In : EAIR 44th Annual Forum hosted by MCAST, Malta (4-7 Sep 2022, Malta)
Living in an (im)material world?: higher education enclosure and digital dispossession (2020)
Glover, Hayley; Collins, Hilary and Myers, Fran
In : EDUlearn20 (6-7 Jul 2020, online)
Winter is coming? Academic identity transitions for a digitized and precarious landscape. (2019)
Collins, Hilary; Jones Myers, Fran and Glover, Hayley
In : 5th EGOS Colloquium “Enlightening the Future: The Challenge for Organizations” (4-6 Jul 2019, Edinburgh)
“Frozen Moments” in the Digitisation of Higher Education Teaching - Self Photography as a Critical Ethnographic Approach to Evaluate Academic Identities in a Cross Cultural Setting (2018-11-12)
Jones Myers, F.; Glover, H. and Collins, H.
In : ICERI 2018 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (12-14 Nov 2018, Seville, Spain) (pp. 5546-5551)
Listening and Learning? Privileging the Student Voice in E-Learning Discourses Of Withdrawal: a Qualitative Analysis (2018-07-17)
Glover, Hayley; Jones Myers, Fran; Power, Bronagh; Stephens, Carey and Hardwick, Jane
In : e-LEARNING 2018 (17-19 Jul 2018, Madrid, Spain)
Academic Identities And The Digital Self? A Cross Cultural Study Of Digitisation In Higher Education Teaching. (2018-07-17)
Glover, Hayley; Jones Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
In : 12th International Conference on e-Learning (17-19 Jul 2018, Madrid, Spain)
How the Left was won? Media re-positioning of the 'moderate' during the 1984-5 Miners Strike (2018-06)
Myers, Frances
In : Social History Society 42nd Annual Conference (11-13 Jun 2018, Keele University, Newcastle under Lyme)
The Automation Game: perceptions on the impact of the changes on business school tutors’ roles and identity during the introduction of technological student retention activities: an ‘unbundled’ HE. (2017-09-05)
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Jones Myers, Fran
In : British Academy of Management (BAM 2017) (5-7 Sep 2017, Warwick, University)
Rhetoric of the digitized faculty – a cross cultural ethnographic study of higher education lecturers at the cross-roads of pedagogic change (2017-07-03)
Glover, H.; Collins, H. and Myers, F.
In : 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (3-5 Jul 2017, Barcelona, Spain) (pp. 7735-7743)
Automation in distance learning: an empirical study of unlearning and academic identity change linked to automation of student messaging within distance learning (2016)
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Watson, Mor
In : 10th International IADIS E-learning conference (1-4 Jul 2016, Funchal, Madeira)
Fantastic Beasts? Media functions for the depersonification and animalisation of ‘guilty men’ during the Financial Crisis, 2008-9 (2016)
Myers, Fran
In : British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2016 - Global Societies: Fragmenting and Connecting (6 Apr - 8 Apr 2016)
Villains, victims, vampires and vitriol: media functions of metaphor for key banking figures during the financial crisis (2016)
Myers, Fran
In : European Association for Evolutionary Political Economy Annual conference (2016, UK)
Is there a connection between academic identity, un-learning organisational routines and the success of automated student messaging? (2015-04-28)
Myers, Fran
In : Chartered Association of Business Schools Annual Conference (28 Apr 2015, York)
Depoliticisation, discourse and demonization: How did the state try to resist respective crises and competing interests in 1984-5 during the Miners’ strike and the financial crisis of 2008, and what was the contribution of the media to this (2015)
Myers, Fran
In : AHRC NWCDTP annual conference (12 Oct 2015, Keele University)
Lost in (social) space? - Testing the transition to learning online (2013-01)
Myers, Fran
In : International HETL conference (13-15 Jan 2013, Orlando, Florida)
Innovative technology and improving student retention & success in an online environment (2012)
Myers, Fran
In : Association of Business Schools Annual Conference (Apr 2012)
Embedding employability in distance learning education (2011-04)
Myers, Fran
In : Third Annual ESCalate Student Conference: Employability and Enterprise in Education (11 Apr 2011, Liverpool Hope University)
Learning to work whilst working to learn: Is the degree apprenticeship a route for me? (2024-06-06)
Bloomfield, Sarah; Buray, Kulvinder; Myers, Fran and Shek, Mary
SCiLAB, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.
…You wouldn’t start from here: pandemic and post-pandemic teaching in higher education (2024-04-06)
Myers, Fran; Collins, Hilary and Glover, Hayley
Taylor & Francis
What happens when apprentices are made redundant (2023-11-22)
Myers, Fran; Bloomfield, Sarah and Reid, Kristen
Business and Management Degree Apprenticeships – a quiet revolution, a work-in-progress, or business-as-usual? (2023-06-01)
Myers, Fran; Reid, Kristen and Bloomfield, Sarah
The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK.