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Ms Joan Hunt

BA (Duke), MBA (LBS)

Profile summary

Professional biography

Joan is a Regional Manager for OUBS looking after tutors and students in the London Region. Over the years she has been responsible for the MBA, the Certificate in Business Studies and the Diploma in Business Studies in London, and is currently working on the Undergraduate Programme of courses. She has been a course team member on numerous courses at MBA level (including Managing knowledge (B823) and the first year MBA programme(B880)); on the Certificate (early courses Managing customer and client relations (B656); Managing people (B654); and Managing accounting (B655) as well as specialist Certificate courses for the voluntary and health sectors and the later integrated Certificate programme courses B600 and B615); the Diploma (B700) and is currently Course Chair of Winning resources and support (B625) for the voluntary sector. She authored course material for Managing knowledge (B823), and has been a critical reader on a number of courses, most recently B122 An Introduction to Retail Management and Marketing.

Joan has tutored the marketing and strategic management modules of the first year MBA programme as well as Managing customer and client relations (B656) residential schools.

Prior to joining the Open University, Joan worked for United Artists Entertainment in London, managing the European launch of the Discovery television channel; in the marketing department of London Zoo; as a Senior level Management Consultant and Venture Capitalist to technology-based businesses; and as a researcher/journalist for two publications in Washington, D.C.

Her current research interests are primarily in branding, and marketing within design-based businesses, and she has a Diploma in Surface Textile Design.

Research interests

Centre for Educational Technology and Learning funded research on effective use of on-line teaching on the Stage 1 MBA courses.

Teaching interests

Managing Customer and Client Relations—Certificate programme Managing in the Competitive Environment—1st stage MBA Marketing—1st stage MBA Managing Customer and Client Relations—Residential School