Hilary Collins BA (Hons) MA, MRes, MBA, PhD is a senior lecturer with Executive Education and has a PhD in Strategic Design Management from the University of Strathclyde, UK. Her professional career specialised in international business start-up in the field of design. Within her academic career Hilary has extensive experience of curriculum development in Europe and the Middle East within strategic design management. Her book, Creative Research has been translated into 5 languages and a new edition was launched in September 20018.
Hilary’s main research interests are in the area of identity and its synergy with the built environment. Most recently, research projects have included investigating sustainability and social innovation and its influence on the role of the professional designer alongside the role of design thinking within strategic design management
In addition her research is based within Teaching and Learning examining how the digital arena is impacting the academic role in Higher Education with a particular emphasis on academic identity. Hilary also teaches Contextual Research, Strategic Management, Creativity, Innovation and Design Thinking.
Hilary is also an associate researcher with the University Cote D'Azur and Chair of Sustanable Design Innovation at the Sustainable Design School in Nice.She is also a visiting Professor with Savannah College of Art and Design in Lacoste, France and Georgia, USA.
A moment in and out of time: precarity, liminality, and autonomy in crisis teaching (2024-01-16)
Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
Teaching in Higher Education, 29(3) (pp. 723-740)
Behind the digital curtain: a study of academic identities, liminalities and labour market adaptations for the ‘Uber-isation’ of HE (2022)
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Myers, Fran
Teaching in Higher Education, 27(2) (pp. 201-216)
Connecting people to purpose builds a sustainable business model at Bark House (2020-03)
Collins, Hilary and Saliba, Cosette
Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 39(3) (pp. 29-37)
Our Common Purpose: Understanding the Relationship Between SMEs’ and their Stakeholders within Sustainability-Oriented Innovation (2019-09-10)
Collins, Hilary and Saliba, Cosette
The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, 15(2) (pp. 15-38)
The Automation Game: technological retention activities and perceptions on changes to tutors’ roles and identity (2019)
Myers, Fran; Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Watson, Mor
Teaching in Higher Education, 24(4) (pp. 545-562)
Our Common Purpose Understanding the Relationship between Small and Medium Enterprises and their Stakeholders within Sustainability-oriented Innovation (2019)
Collins, Hilary and Saliba, Cosette
The International Journal of Sustainability Policy and Practice, 15(2) (pp. 15-38)
Can Design Thinking Still Add Value? (2013)
Collins, Hilary
Design Management Review, 24(2) (pp. 35-39)
Organizational identity via recruitment and communication: Lessons from the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project (2012-07)
Collins, Hilary
Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 31(5) (pp. 36-43)
Using branding to effect internal change at Spie Batignolles (2011-11)
Collins, Hilary; Crispin-Mazet, Florence and Goglio-Primard, Karine
Global Business and Organizational Excellence, 31(1) (pp. 63-70)
Creative Research: The Theory and Practice of Research for the Creative Industries (2018)
Collins, Hilary
ISBN : 9781474247092 | Publisher : Bloomsbury
Creative Research: The Theory and Practice of Research for the Creative Industries (Required Reading Range) (2010-10-25)
Collins, Hilary
Design management
ISBN : 9782940411085 | Publisher : AVA | Published : Switzerland
Emotion and Identity in Flagship Luxury Design (2009)
Collins, Hilary J.
In: Kent, Tony and Brown, Reva eds. Flagship Marketing: Concepts and places. Routledge Advances in Management and Business Studies (pp. 32-45)
ISBN : 978-0-415-43602-1 | Publisher : Routledge | Published : Oxon
Stop all the clocks: Narratives of independence, interdependence, and resistance in digital teaching when the everyday is every day (2023)
Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
In : BSA WES2023: British Sociological Association, Work Employment and Society Conference (13-15 Sep 2023, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK)
Imaging the pandemic: Higher Education tutors’ narratives and photographs of precarious online living and learning (2023)
Collins, Hilary; Myers, Fran and Glover, Hayley
In : SRHE International Research Conference 2023 (4-8 Dec 2023, Aston University, Birmingham, UK)
Teaching in the time of COVID-19: a timescape of online tutors’ lived experiences (2022)
Glover, Hayley; Collins, Hilary and Myers, Fran
In : EAIR 44th Annual Forum hosted by MCAST, Malta (4-7 Sep 2022, Malta)
Living in an (im)material world?: higher education enclosure and digital dispossession (2020)
Glover, Hayley; Collins, Hilary and Myers, Fran
In : EDUlearn20 (6-7 Jul 2020, online)
Winter is coming? Academic identity transitions for a digitized and precarious landscape. (2019)
Collins, Hilary; Jones Myers, Fran and Glover, Hayley
In : 5th EGOS Colloquium “Enlightening the Future: The Challenge for Organizations” (4-6 Jul 2019, Edinburgh)
“Frozen Moments” in the Digitisation of Higher Education Teaching - Self Photography as a Critical Ethnographic Approach to Evaluate Academic Identities in a Cross Cultural Setting (2018-11-12)
Jones Myers, F.; Glover, H. and Collins, H.
In : ICERI 2018 11th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (12-14 Nov 2018, Seville, Spain) (pp. 5546-5551)
Academic Identities And The Digital Self? A Cross Cultural Study Of Digitisation In Higher Education Teaching. (2018-07-17)
Glover, Hayley; Jones Myers, Fran and Collins, Hilary
In : 12th International Conference on e-Learning (17-19 Jul 2018, Madrid, Spain)
The colliding virtual and physical academic working environment (2018-07)
Collins, Hilary
In : 12th International Conference on e-Learning (17-19 Jul 2018, Madrid, Spain)
Facilitating Creative Thinking: A Case Study Aimed at Understanding the Value of Teaching Facilitating Creative Thinking Within Design Management Masters Programmes (2018)
Collins, H.
In : 11th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI2018) (12-14 Nov 2018, Seville, Spain) (pp. 5052-5058)
The Automation Game: perceptions on the impact of the changes on business school tutors’ roles and identity during the introduction of technological student retention activities: an ‘unbundled’ HE. (2017-09-05)
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley and Jones Myers, Fran
In : British Academy of Management (BAM 2017) (5-7 Sep 2017, Warwick, University)
Rhetoric of the digitized faculty – a cross cultural ethnographic study of higher education lecturers at the cross-roads of pedagogic change (2017-07-03)
Glover, H.; Collins, H. and Myers, F.
In : 9th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (3-5 Jul 2017, Barcelona, Spain) (pp. 7735-7743)
Automation in distance learning: an empirical study of unlearning and academic identity change linked to automation of student messaging within distance learning (2016)
Collins, Hilary; Glover, Hayley; Myers, Fran and Watson, Mor
In : 10th International IADIS E-learning conference (1-4 Jul 2016, Funchal, Madeira)
Impact of accreditation on organizational identity: A case of two business schools (2013)
Collins, Hilary and Kemp, Linzi
In : British Academy of Management Conference 2013 (10-12 Sep 2013, Liverpool, UK)
Social innovation and the designer-the future? (2012)
Collins, Hilary
In : British Academy of Management Conference 2012 (Sep 2012, Cardiff, UK)
Transitional Identity: Some Lessons for Communication in an International Context (2012)
Collins, Hilary
In : British Academy of Management Conference 2012 (Sep 2012, Cardiff, UK)
How will developments within digital technologies affect creative industries? (2010)
Collins, Hilary and Pinder, Mike
In : British Academy of Management conference 2010 (Sep 2010, Sheffield, England)
The organizations moving but where are the organizational actors? An exploration of cultural and identity change (2010)
Collins, Hilary
In : British Academy of Management Conference 2010 (Sep 2010, Sheffield, UK)
Identity through flagship design in the UAE (2007)
Collins, Hilary
In : EURAM 2007: Current Management Thinking: Drawing from Social Sciences and Humanities to Address Contemporary Challenges (16-19 May 2007, Paris, France)
Emotion and identity through the built environment (2006)
Collins, Hilary
In : EURAM 2006: Energizing European Management! (17-20 May 2006, Oslo, Norway)
Identity through the built environment (2006)
Collins, Hilary
In : British Academy of Management Conference 2006 (Sep 2006, Belfast, UK)
…You wouldn’t start from here: pandemic and post-pandemic teaching in higher education (2024-04-06)
Myers, Fran; Collins, Hilary and Glover, Hayley
Taylor & Francis